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"Congratulations, ma'am You won the grand prize of 'Free tickets to the Fujioka Inn. Free passes for ur companions too...,"

I just wanted toilet paper rolls.. I never had luck in wheels of fortune..
now this Golden sphere on the plate decided , that... my summer is going to be a bit special,

"Woah. Y/n . Thanks for inviting us to the inn,"
Yachi looked excited since she never went to a group trip to the beach, especially not with a volleyball team...

"Yeah. Thanks for inviting L/n chan. Now we don't have to worry about the fees for a field trip," Captain Daichi helped Yachi carry the bags for beach volleyball practice,

"This is the least I can do for my friends,__ "
Tsukishima took my luggage from my hand and went into my inn,... leaving me questioning,

The woman at the inn seemed both surprised and dissappointed about the whole volleyball team staying free at their inn ... 😅 What can I say?
Gotta use luck in the best way ...


We didn't wait long after unpacking to play at the beach,..

"Beach volleyball! Beach volleyball! Lets play♪ヽ('▽`)/"
Shoyo sang and ran to Kageyama and his senpais..

"Y/n chan. Aren't you going to swim?"
"n_nah. You guys go have fun. I'll take care of the photographs,"

While they were gone, I made the best of it to take shots for the posters Yachi and I were preparing...
(how am I supposed to wear swimsuits when the kiss mark is so conspicuous,..)


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♡♡♡When Kageyamas face appeared on the camera

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When Kageyamas face appeared on the camera .. it made me think of the kiss...

which I do not want to remember.. it always makes my cheeks flush. That bastard ,Tsukishima , always notices and makes fun of me .. but I can say nothing in return...

It's not like Kageyama did anything wrong. He was just drunk...Why are we both distancing each other?...

Seeing Yachi getting embarrassed around Hinata,.. I feel like it's pretty normal..

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