Last Day

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Today is the last day of Minecon. I'm really sad. I still have two days left in europe, but Minecon has been so fun! I mean, I got a cape, some minecraft swag, and some of my fans gave me creeps! You know, the little creeper marshmallows? Derpee and I finnished them in about a minute, but Dan, Ellie, and Darcie took some, too. When we went to dinner for a last-day-of-minecon dinner at the same place, Dan gave me an incredible offer. "I heard you're going to college here. That sounds really cool Where are you going?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm going to a school for Digital Media. It's actually near your house. About fifteen minutes away."

"Oh! That one!" Dan exclaimed. "That's a really nice college. When are you going?"

"I'm going next year with Mina. We're not sure where to live, though. Probably in some dorm. We both got advanced placement and we're going to be some of the youngest people there." I blushed, but Mina just smiled.

"We're smarty pantses!" Mina said. Of course we are. Today we did a riddle test at Minecon (minecraft themed, of course) and I got them all right. Not that I'm obesessed or something...maybe...YOU'LL NEVER KNOW!!! Then Dan made his offer, after talking to Jemma. "You guys could board at our house, if you want. We have an extra room, and if you get two air beds or something, you can live there. No rent."

My mouth was hanging open. For once, Mina was speechless. Finally, we found our voices at the same time. "Really? Thanks!"

Dan just smiled at us, and Jemma said "Of course. You guys are welcome anytime."

The pugs were panting and Darcie licked me, as if she could sense the happieness and wanted to eat it. That night my when I called my mom, she was thrilled for me. My life was great. Because when Dan and I were talking about bacon, I found out he gets really good bacon. This is crazy, but I was looking forwards to school next year.

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