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The characters described and explicitly shown in this text except for you belongs to the author Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima.

"Would you like some strawberry cake Erza? You seem to be somewhat stressed today." You ask the woman with concern behind the counter. You notice her eyebrows furrowing even closer together, probably wondering how you knew she was in a more slightly aggravated state today. But it was quite obvious, her voice seemed to bellow quite loudly throughout the guildhall.

"Ah... sure. I wouldn't mind." Her sharp eyes soften at thought of your deliciously crafted cake sifting through her palette. It had always been a delight whenever she had the chance.

Sitting down in front of the bar, Erza observes the lady on the other side preparing a slice of cake with a tint of pink, ignoring the chaos ensuing behind her for once. Her head's been aching for a while and she didn't want to deal with heavy impacts of chairs and tables breaking upon landing on her limbs from the fights the guild decides to deem important right now.

Of course, they don't affect her. She's just annoyed.

But somehow, you realise this.

You place a slice of cake in front of her without trying to create anymore noise than there already was. Erza's gaze was on you, grateful for the small token of kindness she had received from you today.

"Thank you."

"No problem. Don't forget to pay." You say with a reassuring smile, healing the mage instantly within that one gesture, almost as effectively as healing magic itself.

Oh how Erza wanted you to stay with her forever.

As soon as she thinks of this however, a broken-off chair leg flies and hits Erza's head, making her slam face-first onto her perfectly sliced cake (that was now ruined by a chair leg's desire to ruin someone's day).

Erza slowly turns around menacingly for the culprit (which was unsurprisingly the fire-breathing Natsu), and gave off the most threatening roar, for her strawberry cake had been ruined by Natsu's stupidity.

Erza and You (A Fairy Tail Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now