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Irene lit off a match. The smoke absorbing into the aged, flower patterned cloth. Her face stayed still but her hand was shaking as she held the match. Her chest tightened, feeling like the closet was getting smaller each second. She knew that hiding in the closet was a bad idea, a terrible one. Since characters died in the movies because of that. But that old woman can't possibly kill a orphan right? ... Right? She looked around the wooden closet. There was a little square gap engraved in the wood. Irene entered her finger into it and pulled. Irene's mouth gaped at the sight of a gun. It was a small cupboard with only a miniature revolver.

A gun with only two bullets. She has to use it wisely.


Joy swung the scissors into the widow's left thigh, piercing her milky white skin. Causing the widow to scream. She pulled it out and swung into Ms. Kilen's heart. "Pathetic girl!" She held the tip of the scissors, the knife in her right hand slicing Joy's wrist. She felt nothing because it wasn't her first time being cut. She jumped off the woman and dashed off.

Joy's hands furiously shake as she holds the bloody scissors she stabbed Ms. Kilens with. Blood seeping down her wrist. She looks at herself in the mirror, the dry, darkened specks of red on her face. A heavy feeling in her heart and racing thoughts decide to give her an impulsive decision. Trembling, she raises up the scissors and start to snip off her fawn hair. One lock after another gracefully falls to the ground. She stared at herself, uneven hair and an unidentifiable face.

She looks at her freshly sliced arms, combined with her white scars before hearing an echoing noise. Joy hastily hides behind the white ivory door and turned off the light. She bit her bleeding lip to keep silent as she heard the the woman limp closer. So silent she could hear the blood drop on the marbled floor and the tip of the knife carving into the paint. "I was going to let your depression do the job. But even that failed." She called out. The door opened, but didn't reach the wall, since she was hiding behind it.


Irene went out and ventured for her siblings, with the revolver in her hand. All can she remember is that Wendy and Seulgi went downstairs. She heard the widow's muffling grunts. She raced down the 3 flights of stairs. "Who cares if I d-die? They're more important." Irene stuttered, raising the pistol and searching for the widow. She heard one of her siblings scream down the hallway to her left. "Joy!"

She tightened her grip on the revolver. Her socks were soaked with blood as she follows the bloody trail. She's not sure who's blood it is but it's leading down a trail in one of the rooms. Irene follows her instinct and runs after the trail. She slides past the open door and walks back after seeing a tall figure. She aims her gun after the woman faces her and shoots her in the head. The dead woman fell, the light showing her face. It was the widow. And the unmoving girl in next to her was Joy. Irene dropped the revolver in surprise. Only Joy's lower body showed, her green socks past the doorway.


"Wendy! Seulgi! Yeri!" Irene shouted as she dragged out the girl, blood covering her hands. The girls rushed out of their hiding places. "She's dead!" Irene pointed at the deep slice on her neck. "Chill! She's not dead." Wendy said. "What do you mean?! Our sister isn't breathing!" Seulgi yelled. "Where's the widow?" Yeri asked. "I shot her in the head." Irene looked up at the girls. "I need to show you all something." Wendy said as she kneeled down and checked Joy's wound. She slapped the girl's face. Nothing happened. Until Wendy opened her eyelids and blew on them.

Joy blinked, her eyes looking up on the ceiling. "Oh my god! She's a zombie!" Irene freaked out. "Don't you get it? She can't die. We all can't. We're immortal." Wendy said as Joy sat up scratching her nape, looking like she just woke up from a slumber. If you looked close enough, you could see her body working together to repair the slit neck. "Oh my god. So when she stabbed you in the leg you were fine?! Even though you were bleeding out?" Seulgi asked, shook to the bone.

"I thought I was gonna die. Until that huge cut in my thigh disappeared in thin air after you put in the glue." "I only feel pain. The cells in our body regenerate faster than everybody else so basically we have unlimited blood, everything." Wendy explained. "Also, our brains can command how fast we want ourselves to recover. From recovering slowly to an instant wound fixing." I found that out with that cut." "How do you know this?" Irene furrowed her eyes.

"Dr. Kilens journal. He revealed that he picked 5 siblings from our orphanage to test his new experiment. Immortality."

"Which means he tested on us when we were babies and succeeded. Our names and date of birth were in there. Our abilities too."

"First he attempted it on Ms. Kilens. But failed. She can only survive any type of laceration. Which means that gun shot to her head did nothing..." Wendy scratched the back of her head as she watched the woman stand back up in the dark. "Here's the plan. Let's spread apart and if we need to talk, we go to the laboratory above the kitchen. If she finds you and tries to kill you, act dead. We found her car and we'll use it to escape. I'll take Joy and Seulgi." Wendy whispered as Seulgi and her lifted up the unfazed girl, running back to the garage. Irene watched Yeri run away upstairs.

She's bored and isn't sure what to do. Why run away from someone pathetic if you're immortal? As soon as she decided what to do. The widow was behind her, gripping tight on her scalp.

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