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Merry Christmas!


"What happened? I thought I was dead..." Joy asked, watching the Seulgi pick at the locks. "Stay dead. Not like that, but just act dead." Seulgi grunted. She equipped a wrench from the toolbox, attempting to break one of the locks. "You're making too much noise!" Wendy harshly whispered as she searched for the car keys in the car. "I think the car keys are in her trench coat near the door." Joy said as she rested her head on the cement floor and closed her eyes. Wendy sighed as she banged her head on the rim of the steering wheel.

Wendy went out of the car and peeked her head outside. Then she sneaked her way to the living room in search of a trench coat. She found the coat resting peacefully on a hanger. She inserted her hand in the right pocket, snaking through the soft material. Nothing important, just a pack of cigarettes. She checked the other pocket. Nothing either. She heard footsteps and crouched down. It was Ms. Kilens dragging Irene down by her hair!


Irene kept a blank face as Ms. Kilens dragged her to the bathroom, where the bathtub was already full of water. She closed the door with her free hand and turned on the light. "Oh honey, stay hydrated." Ms. Kilens cackled as she lifted the girl over the bathtub by her hair. Her head submerged into the water. She stayed under water for several minutes until she started to gradually lose her conscious. "Just incase." Ms. Kilens picked up the revolver Irene dropped and shot her in the back of the head. The water instantly turning red. "I'll come back for you child." She giggled, patting Irene's back. Ms. Kilens turned off the light and closed the door. "Witch." Irene wheezed, bubbles forming at the top of the bathtub.


Yeri looked down at the widow from the third floor and exchanged glances with the woman. Then calmly walked into the library. She went directly to the bookshelf and pulled one of the books which revealed a bright light. She pushed the bookshelf until it showed a hidden passageway. The passageway Dr. Kilens went through before he died. She put the book back and went inside. Right before Ms. Kilens came in.

Ms. Kilens came up to the bookshelf and pulled the same book Yeri pulled out with a knife. The wood grinding against the entrance. "Dang this is heavy!" Yeri said as she took the axe off the wall, the widow coming around the corner. "You messed with the wrong child old hag!" Yeri gritted her teeth as she raised the axe and swung it across. The widow jumped out of the way, the axe breaking into the wooden wall. "Oops." Yeri chuckled as she attempted to pull out the axe. "Oops." The widow repeated as she stabbed the younger girl in her abdomen. Cramming the blade in until the black handle was only visible. Yeri dropped to her knees, holding the handle with her two hands. Her eyes welling up with tears. "It hurts." Her high pitched voice cracked in pain. The widow stared down at her without remorse.

Watching her until she stopped breathing.


"Where are those stupid twins?" Ms. Kilens grunted as she loaded a pistol that was from her weaponry's room. In which she bought earlier when she was trying to feed the children bolts. She stopped moving as she heard a car start and started to hurry to the garage. There were 5 garages but only 1 had a car in it, and it was near the living room. How can they start the car? The keys are still in her bedroom... Unless they hot wired it, which is easy since her car is a classic vintage.

"That Wendy brat is too smart." The widow gritted her teeth as she sprinted down the flight of stairs. It's impossible to leave though. Since she chained and locked the garage doors shut. The widow opened the door and pointed the gun at Seulgi. "Trying to escape? Your three sisters are dead. What makes you think you'll be the surviving ones?" The widow smirked as she pulled the trigger. Shooting Seulgi in the kneecaps and chest. The garage door splattered in blood as the girl screamed with each bullet her body took. "And you." Ms. Kilens walked over and pulled the girl out of the car. She threw the girl on the cement and shot her in the face. "Bang, bang, pow." Ms. Kilens shot the girl in the head, until she was unmoving and mutilated.


Ms. Kilens sighed, dropping the muddy shovel as she clapped her hands. "Finally." She looked around and smiled. She changed the girl's clothes. Their outfits were all in a maroon red and they were resting in the living room. "You all were so pretty... Unfortunate for you all to find out my secret. I was going to milk you all for more money and fame." Ms. Kilens frowned. Kicking a piece of Wendy's skull under the sofa. She threw the dirtied leather gloves on Seulgi's face. "I'll take you first." She grinned as she pulled Wendy off the chair. Her head still leaking blood as she was dragged out of the house. Yeri took a peek at the oblivious widow's back and then closed her eyes again.

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