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"Stop pretending you're dead. I know you're alive." Seulgi patted her check before spitting on her face. "Where's my body child?" Ms. Kilens gritted her teeth. "Here you go!" Joy brought out a cake. It was all white, a bare canvas. Until Joy brought out a slab of Ms. Kilen's thigh. Which came from the black trash bag. "What the hell?" She gagged in disgust. Seulgi smacked her face to shut her up. "I was contemplating on pouring cherry syrup on it... But it's more thrilling using your blood." She chuckled lowly as she squeezed the meat. Like she was wringing out a soaked shirt. It generously dripped a large amount of blood and decorated the cake. She was officially mental, and somewhat of a cannibal.

She grabbed a handful and fed herself. The frosting covering her mouth as she licked her bottom lip. "Disgusting." The widow furrowed her eyebrows. "Eat it." Joy held out her hand for the widow to taste. Ms. Kilens looked at the 4 other siblings who were viewing them at the back. The widow opened her mouth and bit Joy's pointer finger as hard as she could with her jaw. "Ouch! You bitch!" Joy hissed as she slapped the widow off the chair, taking the cake and smashing it onto the widow's face. Then kneeling down and forcefully opening her mouth. "Taste it. It'll be your last meal old hag." She shoved her fist into Ms. Kilen's mouth. Enjoying the view of the cake exiting the widow's throat.


There's only one way to get rid of her. By burning her into ashes and dumping her remains in acid. "Wendy." Irene handed her a lighter as she gently placed a cigarette on her bloodied lips. Wendy lit up the cigarette. "Why do I have to do all the work?" Yeri grunted as she climbed the pole. "Stop complaining and get to the top!" Joy shouted as she dumped Ms. Kilen's body parts in a pile. Yeri groaned as she stuck Ms. Kilens's head on the sharp tip. The woman's head presoaked in gasoline. "You're going to regret this child!" Ms. Kilens growled as Yeri slid down the pole like a firefighter. "No! Not really!" Yeri shouted, using the woman's limbs as a landing cushion. As Yeri and Joy ran around the wooden pole, pouring gasoline, Seulgi came out of the house with a bag of freshly popped popcorn. "We already cut her up. Now we're burning her into ashes?" Seulgi asked. "This is the only way we'll know she's dead." Irene said, exhaling the smoke. Joy and Yeri tossed the canisters into the pile and ran back to their siblings. "Do it." Irene commanded as Wendy threw the lighter into the gasoline. Igniting the foul smelling liquid. Seulgi tossed some popcorn in her mouth as the siblings watched the flames rise in satisfaction.


Irene looked up at the knocking door across the kitchen. She stopped cleaning the counter and walked to the door. "Oh hello. Can I help you boys?" Irene smiled as she tossed the rag over her shoulder. "We have a missing warrant for Ms. Kilens. We received information that she was in here before she went missing." Irene's eyes widen in shock. "Oh my! Come in!" She gasped as she rushed the two officers in. Irene looked at the 4 girls in the dining table. They nodded and continued to eat. "We're going to check the premises. Please come with us." one of the officers said. Irene smiled, walking between the men.

"Do you know where Ms. Kilens went before she went missing?" The man on Irene's right side asked, with his notepad and pen out. "No, not really sir. The last time we saw her was when before we had a sleepover. All 5 of us were upstairs." Irene answered, sounding worried as they walked down the dim hallway. "She never told us where she was going though. But after a couple days I just thought that she was on a business trip." The man scribbled on the paper. "Do you mind if we take a look outside?" The other man asked. "Of course..." Irene grinned, fidgeting with her two pointer fingers. She snatched the right man's gun from his belt and shot him in the chest. The other officer took out his pistol and shot her in the head, her blood splattering his tan trench coat as she fell. "Daniel! Are you okay!?" He shook his shoulder. "Andrew. You need to leave now! They murdered Ms. Kilens." Daniel coughed out blood as he gradually lost consciousness.

Andrew took out his flip phone and dialed 911. As soon as he put his thumb on the call button, Irene kicked his phone out of his hand as she got up. "Oh shit..." He widen his eyes as Yeri went beside her and handed her a hatchet. Irene smiled dearly as she swung the hatchet down the man's skull, splitting it in half. "Is the car ready?" Irene asked, wiping the blood splatter off her face. "The three others are already packing. Let's clean this up before the police track them here." Yeri said as she stuck her thumb and pointer finger, prying out the bullet inside Irene's head.


Irene was the last person to enter the car, after filling up the trunk with clothes and bags of money. Of course they wired Dr. Kilen's 75 billion to multiple anonymous bank accounts. A couple million wouldn't be enough for 5 immortal sisters. "Are you ready?" Irene looked back at the twins and the youngest sibling, Joy sitting in the front passenger seat. She looked in the rear mirror and adjusted the silk cloth wrapped around her head and her big white sunglasses. The garage door creaked opened and Irene pushed the gas. Seulgi rolled down the window and rested her head. "What an adventure." She smiled and looked back, the sight of the mansion gradually getting smaller as the 5 sisters escape.


They're finally out and running. From what they saw in the beginning, it was like they were in on cloud 9. But now... a place full of trauma and bloodshed. Who knew that a huge mansion and an old widow could be so... terrifying? She was impossible to kill. Was. Too bad she was a failed experiment unlike the other 5.



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