A New Friend

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Looking around at all the tables that were occupied with people, who all seem to know each other, your heart couldn't help but to start beating faster.  Worried you wouldn't find a place to sit where you wouldn't be the odd one out, feeling uncomfortable around the people that were already talking and laughing together; you noticed someone sitting at the back of the cafeteria by themself. Finding peace at mind after your brain had it's short lasting malfunction, you take a breath and walk towards the table.

Approaching the table, you put your food down and sit, quickly looking at the person who was zoned out while eating fried chicken wings and holding a cup of taro bubble milk tea in their hand.

"Hi, I'm y/n, nice to meet you." you said smiling at the person in front of you, bringing them back from their other world.

"Oh hello, nice to meet you too, I'm Mingi." The brown haired male said looking a little puzzled but giving you a warm smile back then taking a sip of the milk tea he was holding. His voice is unique and deep, with a slight lisp. You want to hear him talk more.

"I'm new to the company, it's my first day and I'm trying to get used to the building and everything. It's really nice here, the cafeteria is bigger than I expected." You spark up conversation while taking a bite into your food, trying to not build up awkward tension between you two.

"Ah really? No wonder you look unfamiliar." He chuckled. "At first the building can seem confusing but after your first week, getting around should be a breeze. I had the same reaction when I first saw the cafeteria too. The food is really great."

"It's delicious." You agreed, covering your mouth that was half full causing your cheeks to puff up like a squirrel.

"You know, this cafeteria is pretty big and it has all these tables. Yet you decided to sit down at this one with me. Why?" He tilted his head.

"Well everyone else here has someone sitting with them to talk to and you were the only one who I saw sitting alone and I thought you could use the company." You say, sitting up straight. He smirked at you. "Why are you sitting alone?" you continue,"You don't seem like the unsocial kind of person."

He pushed up his glasses that were slipping off his nose. "Hm, there's a story behind it but it's not that I choose to sit alone. Whenever I go on lunch break by myself, no one ever sits with me. I don't mind it though since I'm used to it."  He takes another sip of his drink.

"How come you're used to it?" You ask out of curiosity.

"During my high school years, I had friends who would sit with me at lunch but would end up leaving since I eat so slow. So I usually ate alone throughout all my high school years." A hint of sadness in his voice as he reminisced. "But it's okay now because I have my friends that don't leave me. I just didn't eat anything this morning, I tend to skip breakfast. And I also have you today." His gummy smile showed. What a sweet guy, who would want to leave him.

"It's your old friends' fault for leaving you behind, you're a total sweetheart. Also it doesn't have to be just for today, whenever you're going to have lunch and I'm available, let me know, I'll be happy to join you. And that way I won't have to be alone either since I have no friends here yet." You let out a nervous laugh, putting your hair behind your ear.

"Thank you." He said shyly "That's a pretty good idea. A gentleman should always help his noona." You felt your cheeks heat up at the word, no one has called you that before and it felt nice to be. "I'll give you my number so that way we can keep in touch." Mingi says, accepting the new established friendship. The both of you exchange numbers and continue talking for a little longer before you both finish eating and return to your busy schedules for the rest of the day.

You attended 2 English classes, an acting class for improving your stage presence and for knowing what to do for interviews, and a singing class since you were more of a main dancer. When you were finished with all your classes, you went to one of the unoccupied dance rooms and practiced the choreography that Coach Seonghwa taught you that morning. You felt like you were being watched for a while but didn't see anyone so you shook it off and continued. You practiced by yourself for an hour and a half, trying to have the dance completely memorized and perfected for the next morning. It was already 8:40 pm when you began to head to your apartment.

You called a taxi cab on your phone. After waiting for 10 minutes, they were outside the building.  Taking the elevator down to the first floor, you walk out and say goodbye to the person at the front desk. It took the taxi cab about 20 minutes to get to your apartment.

You open the door to your apartment. Dropping your belongings on the couch and walking towards the wall of gigantic floor to ceiling windows that showed the city view. It was gorgeous. Seeing all the people walking on the streets of the city enjoying themselves and talking to others, relaxed you. It made you think about your first day. You wondered how you were going to make friends and get along with the people you worked with, then you remembered about the people you had met earlier that day. They were all so sweet and welcoming, but the person who stood out most was Mingi. You reach for your phone in the pocket of your sweatpants, and press on Mingi's contact. You stared at the call button, wanting to press it to thank him for being so nice to you today but since you had just met him you thought it'd be better to just send him a text.

     Y/N:         Thank you for being so nice to me today, I really enjoyed talking to you. Hope we can eat lunch together again. Have a good night~ ( ◠‿◠ )

You sent the message. Continuing to stare back at the Seoul lights. You then walk away, placing your phone on the kitchen counter and walk to the bathroom. You turn on the water to prepare for a warm shower after the long day.

Mingi felt his phone buzz in his back jeans pocket. He reached for his pocket as his phone screen lit up. It was a message from y/n. He read the message, slightly regretting giving her his number since they had just met and he has no idea what kind of person she is and her intentions. He felt skeptical of the new trainee since she sat with him when there were many other tables, though she was very nice to him. 'Who wouldn't be nice to an idol' he thought to himself, sighing he replied back to the message.

Of course. Make sure to get enough rest, training is not easy as you know, you need a lot of energy. Enjoy your night.

He scratched his head lightly as he sent the message. 20 minutes later y/n responds.

   Y/N:   We can have lunch tomorrow, if you'd like. I need help on knowing where everything is so I don't have to get lost anymore. If you could explain where everything is in building to me, I'd appreciate it.

That's fine by me. We can meet at the cafeteria at 12:15.

He accepted not wanting to be rude.

Great, I'll see you then. Goodnight :)


He turned off his phone and put it back in his pocket. 'As long as we don't get too close everything will be fine.'

𝙄𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙥𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 // 𝙎𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙞Where stories live. Discover now