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It's been 3 days since you ran out of Mingi's apartment. You haven't talked to nor have seen him since then. But still, during all that time and including this very moment, all you can think about is him having his arms wrapped around you. The feeling was comforting. Thinking about the way he looked made your heart skip a beat. That very moment made you gain definite feelings for Mingi. In the beginning you were fascinated by him and wanted to learn more about him, now it's different. Now you wonder what it'd be like if he was yours.

Confrontation is not your forte. It never was nor will it ever be. It's not for the soft hearted, especially being completely straightforward and it not going the way like how it was thought too. The thought of being rejected by someone who has total control of your feelings, whether they know it or not, was terrifying. In all your years of living you've never been in an official relationship. Except for the one time you had strong feelings for someone for a very long time. And when you grew the courage to confess your feelings to them, they completely humiliated you. That memory was something you never wanted to relive again. It made you change your priorities.

Being completely focused on your future of wanting to perform on stage was now the reason you haven't had the chance to dwell on romantic relationships. With Mingi being a new obstacle, that might change. Because of past agony, you want to make sure that it isn't obvious that you have a crush on Mingi. You can't afford to go through the humiliation again, or afford to be distracted from your main goal. Admiring Mingi from afar is the best option.

You decided it was finally time to stop thinking about all of that and get up from your bed and take a shower. As the warm water ran down your body, relaxing you, your phone rang from a notification. It made you jump lightly. You sighed and turned off the water. You grabbed your towel to dry yourself off and reach for your phone. It was a group message from KQ letting you know that practice was going to end really late today.

'At least I'll be distracted for the whole day.'

The morning training seemed longer than usual today. Even though it was only just 2 pm, the day was already tiring. Walking down the halls, towards the cafeteria for your daily lunch break, felt off today. The walls felt smaller, unusual. As you were about to open the doors of the cafeteria, you bumped into someone who was walking out holding food in their hands. Their food fell onto the floor, spilling everywhere. You quickly squat down trying to pick some of the pieces up into your hand, as did they.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you. I wasn't paying attention. I'm so sorry." You couldn't stop apologizing to the person. You looked up at them. You felt your breath get shorter and your heart begin to race.

"It's okay, It's okay, don't worry. Are you okay though?" They looked at you. "Oh hey, y/n."

"Hey I'm sooo sorry. What can I do to make it up to you?" Your heart was bumping in your chest quickly.

He laughed trying to calm you down. "I told you it's okay. You don't have to do anything."

"How about we go get you some more food together. I was just about to go get some." You suggested without even thinking about what you were saying.

He nodded. You both finish picking up the food that was dropped and walk into the cafeteria, straight to the buffet area. Although there was a good handful of other trainees and workers in there, it was kind of quiet between you two.

"I wanted to thank you for bringing me home that night, I know I've caused you some trouble." Mingi lightly laughed, seemingly wanting to get rid of the awkward tension that was present.

"No no, not at all. It's no problem. But I'm sorry I didn't leave when I planned to. I was so exhausted from the party and the drinks made me fall asleep by accident, I would've gone home if it didn't." You were looking down, fidgeting with your fingers.

"Yea, no I understand. That's okay, don't worry about it. It's the least I could've offered you for going out of your way to bring me home." His smile was warm. 'Don't fall head over heels for him please y/n' You tell yourself. He finished getting his food. "I'll see you around." Just like that he continued walking to wherever he was going to.

"Bye Min-min." You internally facepalmed. 'Why the hell would you say that y/n.' He shot you a weird look but then gave you a single nod and left.

After what just happened you didn't want any human interaction for the next half an hour you were free. You found yourself an empty table and plopped right down, putting your head in your hands, covering your eyes. You felt your ears and face get hot. 'Min-min really? You guys aren't even that close yet for corny nicknames.' You couldn't stop thinking about your short conversation with Mingi and the embarrassment you put yourself through. As you were bashing yourself, you felt the presence of someone sitting down at your table. You pick up your face from your hands to see eyes staring back at yours. Wow, he's gorgeous.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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