Stolen Gem

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Sunday morning,
5 AM

Adanna wakes up early, thinking that she has work to do, but Adanna and Jenna are on a pause from their detective work. "5 AM??!! I'll make breakfast then." said Adanna. While Adanna was making breakfast, Jenna got up from bed and starts listening to the radio. "Let's see what is there in the news today. " says Jenna while switching on the radio.

From the radio:
"At 2 AM a precious sapphire gem was stolen from the museum, Traqoulisa, in Rome. By further investigation, the police have reported that the museum guard was chloroformed and the cameras were covered with a cloth, so the thieves were not identified."

Jenna switched off the radio looking at Adanna with wide-open eyes. "This could be it! This could be it!" Jenna said, jumping up and down. "What? What could be it? Wait- do you think that we could find that gem? I don't think so!" said Adanna.

"You are literally a fool! Aren't you bored sitting here going nowhere? And we can use the knowledge which we gained from watching and reading all Sherlock Holmes. Just imagine the town thanking us. It will be awesome. Please say yes." Jenna pleaded.
Adanna mumbles something to herself and says "Ok fine, I'm saying yes just because there is nothing else to do here." "Yay! Thank you!" says Jenna.
Jenna starts to smell eggs 'n' toast. "Hey, you making some for me also right?"
"Yes!" Adanna replies.

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