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Apparently standing too close to an exploding Dick sends your ass straight to Purgatory.

I stood in the darkness, nervous and confused about where I was. I turned around to see Cas, who was visibly forcing himself to stay calm.

"Cas? Where are we? What happened?" I asked, bewildered. He swallowed nervously, awkwardly shifting in his place.

"Purgatory, I think." He replied quietly. I frowned, taking a step closer to him as if I didn't hear what he said.

"Purgatory? Like... the Purgatory?" I asked him. He wouldn't meet my eyes.

"Every soul here is a monster, Dean. They would give anything to kill us." I began to panic a little, he was scaring me. 'How did we get here?'

"Well, how do we get out?" I asked, turning to look in the direction a loud growl came from. There was no response. I turned back.

"Cas-?" My chest tightened when I saw he wasn't there. I felt sick, but now wasn't the time to panic, I had monsters all around me, animals and all kinds of weird ass things. I had no weapons, I had nothing to protect me with, which made my panic so much worse. Yelling or making any type of noise would only cause attention. There had to be weapons down here, maybe I could snag one from somebody... It was pitch black out, except for two moons. Now wasn't the time for thinking. I was about to start moving when there was suddenly the loudest, most malevolent snarl I had ever heard in my life behind me. I didn't really want to meet whatever it was, it sounded like a huge dog. If it was big, it could probably catch me easily, but it was still worth it to try, I had to outsmart it without running into any trees or tripping in the darkness. I could feel the fear and adrenaline pump through me, and I bolted, running as fast as I could, shoving trees and bushes out of my face as I dashed through the underbrush. I could hear the footsteps behind me, and it made me run faster than I ever had in my life. It was hard to admit, but I was scared shitless. It was barely even a few more seconds of my running that I could hear the footsteps closing in on me, I thought fast, my eyes desperately scanning through the giant trees. There was one ahead, and as I approached it, I could literally feel the breath of the giant dog on the back of my head. Just before it caught me, I swung around the tree, which was huge. There was a loud howl, which echoed strangely. I waited until couldn't hear whatever it was, then peeked around the tree in the darkness. There were no red eyes, or heavy breathing, the air was strangely still, except for muffled sound of a. . . river? I carefully stepped out from behind the tree, glancing around to make sure there wasn't anything else that wanted to chase me. When I was convinced there was nothing else out there I approached the inky darkness, listening for the sound of the river. I heard a rock roll off the side of the cliff in front of me. 'Wait... cliff??' I stopped, feeling no pressure on my right toes, realizing there was a cliff and if I took another step forward I would plummet to my death. I cautiously took five steps backward, feeling my back hit the rough bark of the tree I hid behind. I slowly slid down it, my stomach churning with uneasiness. I heard the leaves on the ground crackle as I sat on the ground, it was then that I felt my lungs burning for air, I was out of breath from my run, and I needed to calm down. I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to ease my heavy breathing. I rubbed my eyes, trying to push away the urge to close them. I stopped, pulling my hand away from my eyes, bringing close to my face, trying to see them in the dim light. There was a dark liquid on them. I wiped my right eye again, wincing when my finger ran over a deep, fresh cut on my cheekbone. It was bleeding profusely, but it wouldn't kill me. I tried to relax, stretching my legs out. The position made my legs ache, so I pulled them back to my chest. Nothing would dare get this close to the edge of the cliff, so I felt somewhat safe. I couldn't stop myself from closing my eyes, even though I knew it was probably a bad idea.

Hell on Earth (SPN Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang