• Chapter One •

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"I don't think we'll ever get any peace" Dallas drawled, sprawled across the love seat in the living room. Across from him on the separate couches were two mammoths of men, glaring heatedly at each other like they were five years old.

Sage snorted from beside one of the mammoths, focused on the game he was playing with his kid. "Let them, you know if they bottle it up it'll all come out in a fight" he sighed, the teenagers in the room laughing in agreement.

Outside the wind pounded against the windows, whipping trees back and forth in vicious gusts. Snow poured from the sky relentlessly, piling inches upon inches with no signs of stopping. It would be insane for anyone to be outside at this hour.

The mammoths, aka six foot six giants growled in distaste at each other but didn't continue. This wasn't newly formed behaviour over a recent argument - they've been like this for eons. Ever since eleventh grade when Kennedy moved state right into their dainty, small town. Before that Xai was the scary, strong, bold bully who kept everyone in their place and didn't take shit from anything that had a heart beat.

Kennedy was the first worthy component he's faced, and boy did they get into a lot of trouble with each other. The only reason why they were even in the same house, not having killed each other prior was their husbands. Sage and Dallas.

But some people didn't have a choice. Shivering legs forced their way up and down into the mushy snow, arms crossed tightly over their chest at a fruitless attempt for heat. Everything felt numb, teeth chattering so hard they might break. There was nothing they could do to save themselves.

Sage and Dallas were brothers, practically twins they appeared so alike, but Sage took great joy in reminding everyone that he was the elder by a year. It made Dallas' blood run wild whenever he did. As kids he'd always complain to his mother 'why wasn't I born first?!' as if it were her choice.

But that didn't matter now. Currently they were all one, big, (mostly) happy family. After growing up they matured but not by a lot, still a bunch of children like their actual children.

Xai and Dallas adopted first even if Xai was given the 'least likely to start a family' award in their year book. Two beautiful children, Tommy and Hazel. They were put in the adoption agency around the same time and bonded because of it, two young toddlers practically inseparable.

When Dallas and Xai first entered the agency it was admittedly an accident they stumbled upon the four year olds, gazing up at the two tall men in curious wonder. Gleeful they had snuck away from the playroom only to be caught seconds later by a staff member. They earned a scolding but Xai and Dallas fell in love, deciding to adopt them instantly.

It was the greatest decision they ever made. Even if Tommy and Hazel were pranksters they were still greatly loved and appreciated in their home.

They stumbled and fell, hands reaching out and colliding with the ground, face first against the painfully shocking snow. It was pitiful to think snow was adored so much, but in an unsafe circumstance it could kill within a few hours. They hated snow, it reminded them of their least favourite season. Gasping to their feet, they continued walking but visibly much slower and dragged out. It grew harder and harder to move, like their body was freezing into ice. It was torturous, but at the same time, they couldn't feel a thing.

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