• Chapter Six •

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"I think that's them!" Cora yelled down the hallway, Sage rolled his eyes fondly. "Then get the door!" He called back, standing up from the dining table and taking his bowl through to the kitchen. Winter had taken the chair beside him earlier, now awkwardly sitting by himself with a bowl of milk. It was breakfast time the next morning, first time he's ever had cereal before but he didn't let anyone know that. It was nice, a little too sweet though - and weirdly soggy towards the end.

His first night there was... odd. It's been awhile since he's slept in a nice warm bed. Even longer sleeping in a house with other people there too. Many times he woke during the night, clutching the blanket in fear, desperately wanting to rush into the wardrobe but minutes later he settled, realising he was being a paranoid idiot before falling into a restless sleep again.

Safe to say he was very tired.

In the foyer Cora had followed their father's reply, pulling open the front door and smiling happily at Tommy and Hazel who made it to the porch first. "Is Winter alright?" Hazel instantly worried, wringing her hands together. "He yelled like a banshee" Tommy added, crossing his arms to try and warm up from the cold outside.

"He's fine. Better. Sort of... weirdly silent afterwards though. He watched a bunch of movies before taking himself to his bedroom. I don't think he fell asleep for awhile though- anyway he's in the dining room, we just had breakfast" Cora explained, Ezra coming up behind them while they did, sending his own smile to his cousins.

"Did he really think dad would hit him?" Tommy questioned, Cora shrugged and glanced aside. "Yes. I think so" Ezra replied before they could, Tommy's face pulled uneasily. "He wouldn't do that" he defended after a few moments, "we know that, Tommy. But Winter doesn't. Don't get angry at him for this" Hazel tried to soothe her brother who scoffed, crossing his arms.

"But he thinks so low of him! I don't want dad to be seen like that" Tommy insisted, face pinching red in annoyance. "He was scared" Cora supplied, "if he really thought uncle Xai would hurt him he wouldn't have willingly gone to the store with him yesterday. Just drop it, Tommy. Today they're gonna forgive and forget, alright?" She piked up her eyebrow, waiting for Tommy to agree which he did a few moments later - albeit begrudgingly.

"What's taking them so long?" Kennedy appeared, looking through the doorway at Dallas and Xai, both leaning on the car and talking quietly.

"I don't know" Hazel frowned at the sight, "let's go see Winter" she then urged her brother through the house, Cora and Ezra tailing behind.

Winter still sat at the table, stirring the milk mindlessly. When he saw movement in his peripheral he looked up, relaxed to see the four teenagers.

"Hey, Winter. Sleep well?" Hazel instantly started, taking the spot opposite him. Winter shrugged, "yeah. Fine" he gruffly responded, "what're you supposed to do with this?" He then gestured to the milk, not exactly wanting to drink it.

"Dunk it down the sink" Tommy explained, trying to be friendly. Winter scowled, crossing his arms. "That's a waste"

"Some people drink it. It's just a preference" Cora waved off, taking the bowl them self and placing it into the kitchen. "Where's Dallas and the hulk?" Winter pondered, looking down the hallway they just came from.

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