Small MHA Crappost/Fluff

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(Yes the art above is mine)
Hi my Wolfies!  This is a My Hero Academia chapter, so

⚠Spoiler warning!⚠

Please skip if you don't like MHA or want to watch it later!


Todoroki POV

When I say Bakugo is mad right now, I mean he is MAD. More then the normal"#@%= YOU DEKU! ". Such an angry Pomeranian.


Kirishima is holding Crocs and a speaker playing "Put my name in yellow hearts" But singing his version-

Kirishima POV

(This is the speaker and this is Kirishima)

She put my name in yellow hearts~
My buttcheeks wiggle when I  fart~

My favorite color like the stars~
B---- I will hit you with my car~


*lights turn off*


Denki and Sero in unison: When your lights don't work like they used to anymore~


Mineta whispering in Tsu's ear:
Hey lil' mama lemme whisper in ya ear, lemme tell ya something ya might like to hear~

Ojiro shouts from the background: I T 'S  F R E E  R E A L  E S T A T E

Bye my Wolfies! Stay safe and wash your hands!

-Yeetles out

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