Chapter 1

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Tommy groaned when he woke up. He shoved his face into his pillow more. Who the fuck was yelling at this hour?

Then he realized someone was shouting his name.

He sighed and shoved himself up, clenching his jaw. He had forgotten about his back.

Shrugging to himself and regretting it from the pain that shot from his shoulders, he slipped out of bed and out of his room, running a hand through his hair to make it look nicer.

"Finally! We've been- Woah, you look terrible. Did you sleep at all last night?" Wilbur blinked.

"I tried to. My back was in pain for most of the night and I couldn't sleep." Tommy leaned against the stone doorframe of his room. "What do you want?"

Wilbur snorted. "Back pain like some old man, huh?" Tommy rolled his eyes and Will continued. "Anyway, we wanted to know if you were coming with us to steal some shit from Manberg."

"Yeah yeah, lemme just go grab my armor and stuff." Tommy yawned and spun around, about to head back into his room when Wilbur gasped.

"Tommy-" The blonde spun back around in confusion. "Tommy have you seen your back?"

"No, why? What's wrong with it?" The teenager spun around trying to look over his shoulder.

"You've got wings."


"I'm serious!" Wilbur huffed and shuffled closer. "You've got blood all down your shirt Tommy. And it's all- ew- dried around where the wings are. I'm going to help clean you up, okay?"

"Uhm, okay." The blonde just wanted to sleep, but followed his friend down the stone pathway and up the stairs, where the others were conversing.

"Finally Tommy, you're up." Quackity snickered.

"We've got a little problem," Wilbur chuckled nervously.

"Little?" Tommy snorted. "I've literally got fuckin' wings, and you call that little?" Tommy crossed his arms, he was too tired for this shit.

"Chill out, Tommy." Tubbo slid around Wilbur to place a hand on his friend's shoulder. His eyes trailed to a pair of light tan, small, feathery wings. Blood crusted around their edges and dried trails of the crimson liquid had gone down Tommy's shirt.

"Holy shit." Tubbo gasped.

"C'mon Tommy, we're gonna clean you up." Wilbur grabbed said teenager's arm and dragged him out of the little dirt room. Techno was waiting outside of the door, eyeing the pair as they went down to the water nearby.

A "woah" could be heard from the monotone man once they reached the waterside.

"Take your shirt off," Wilbur instructed and waded into the shallow area.

Tommy made a face, but did so anyway. He hissed when the fabric brushed against his sore skin, but he was able to toss the piece of cloth to the side.

Wilbur gave the boy a sympathetic look. "Now sit down on the bank and turn your back to me."

Tommy scrunched his face up. "Fine."

He did as he was told, and nearly jumped out of his skin when the water Wilbur was putting on his back touched the sensitive areas around his shoulder blades, and new limbs.

Tommy clenched his fists, a tense mess. When Wilbur would hit a particularly sore spot, the boy would hiss in pain, flinching forwards.

"Sorry." Wilbur sighed. "I'm almost done."

Tommy nodded. He was aware that he had started crying. Though he didn't remember when. He was silent as tears of pain dripped off his chin.

"Annnnd," Wilbur's smile was evident in his voice. "Done!"

Tommy quickly wiped his face and rose, shaking a bit. He turned to Wilbur as he climbed out f the water.

"Thanks big man," Tommy smiled slightly. A look of worry crossed his friend's face when he saw Tommy's puffy eyes, but he didn't say anything on it.

"No problem Tommy." Wilbur smiled. Tommy went and retrieved his shirt, then followed Wilbur back to the hill. Techno was now inside.

No one was in the dirt room, so they went down the stairs after blocking up the hole. 

"Tommy!" Tubbo cheered when he saw his friend come down the steps.

"Hey Tubbo- oompf!" The blonde laughed with Tubbo as the pair collided in a hug, Tubbo being careful of his back.

Wilbur snorted and walked past them to talk with Techno, Quackity, and now Niki.

Tommy went off to get a new shirt and Tubbo followed Wilbur. When the blonde returned, he looked uncomfortable.

"Are you okay, Tommy?" Niki asked when she noticed the boy's face and irritated movements.

"Fine, I guess," The boy growled at his shirt and tugged at it more. "This is uncomfortable.." He muttered. 

Niki raised a brow. Then the pieces came together- she had seen Tommy's wings, and was filled in by Wilbur.

"Is your shirt making your wings uncomfortable?" Niki asked and glanced at the still-going conversation, something about anteaters?

"I can make holes in it with my sword!" Tubbo offered, holding up his sword, which glistened dangerously with enchantments.

"Uh- sure, Tubbo. Thanks. Be careful, dammit." Tommy stiffened when the brunette ran around him to be behind him.

Then he felt the uncomfortableness ease off his wings, which popped through a pair of holes Tubbo had made.



The two small limbs flicked, small, fluffy feathers floating off. Tubbo giggled and trotted to stand beside his friend, and they joined in on the conversation, which had now swapped to shenanigan talk.

Later, they dispersed, having things to do. Tommy waved to his friends and wandered off to his room to get some sleep.

He shuffled over to his bed and flopped down onto it, shoving his face into his pillow, falling asleep quickly.

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