Avoiding the World with a Distraction (filler)

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BEFORE WE START, this is some fluffy filler with Musuko and Tamashi. So enjoy!


~ Musuko's POV ~

I've heard that they've upgraded a lot since they reopened. Seems nice. They've added extra rooms to chill. Seems ironic because of the situation we're in. But I get it.

Today Tamashi asked me to go with him while we have free time. I said yea, of course. Because he's cool. I enjoy his company. Nothing else.

~ No one's POV ~


Tamashi had ran to the room. Musuko just chuckled. He ran and stopped suddenly, which caused Musuko to stop and worry.

"Tamashi? Are you okay, I-"

He stood there and grabbed something. Musuko's heart started racing because she started to worry. A lot. He turned around. He had a pillow in his hand. Musuko stepped back.

Tamashi smirked.

"Tama- TAMA DONT-"

He threw it and she fell.

Tamashi gasped thinking he hurt her, hearing noises coming from her. He walked to her slowly.


The closer he got to her, the more clearer the noises got. Then he realized, she was laughing.

Tamashi felt this sense of confusion. He'd never heard her laugh ever before. But, he loved it. He started laughing too. They were a laughing mess.

Musuko started to stand up and threw the pillow back at him.


"YES I DID HAHAHAH-" as Musuko said that she ran to the other part of the room.

"OH NO YOU DON'T" He started to chase after her and all you heard was Musuko yelling and wheezing at the same time.

He caught up to her, and grabbed her hand and caught her in a hug type of hold where his hands were wrapped around her waist and Musuko's hands up. And they fell. Yea, they're still laughing.

After they calmed down, he let go not realizing how he was holding her. He was a literal blushing mess. But that was okay. He didn't care.

Musuko sighed.

"You're fun to hang out with."

"What was that Kash?"

"You're fun to hang out with. And I mean it."

"Oh, that's cool. Thanks Kash."

"No problem."

After a bit of thinking, Tamashi realized what she said about him, knowing how dry and bland she was.


"Tama are you okay?"


"Huh? No I'm not. I said, I just enjoy your company."

"Yes you areeeeee"

"Am not"

"Are too."


"What person have- ACTUALLY, what boy have you ever been this comfortable with? Like you even gave me a nickname, don't think I didn't notice that"


"Before I threw the pillow, you called me, and I quote, Tama."

"Uh- I- You're right"

"That's what I thought."

She sucked her teeth and hit him softly. "SHUT UP"

"OW. SEE YOU EVEN ADMITED TO IT" they both chuckled. Both of them had butterflies and wanted this to last forever.

"I don't know what if I'm just catching feelings and you don't have a clue?"

Tamashi looked wide-eyed at her and blinked

"I'm kidding!"

But something really tells her, that's a lie.


OH WOW THAT WAS SWEET. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this filler as much as I enjoyed writing it. Have a great dayyy <3333!

- 556 Words.

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