Middle School

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When Seokjin and his friends started at their new middle school, he had no idea that he would run into the same kids from his old school.

They avoided him luckily, and he was fine with it. But when he saw another young boy who continued to stare at him throughout the day he knew he would have to face him sooner or later.

So during lunch as he sat down at a table with his friends, the same young boy walked over to him with his two friends.

"Seokjin? Can I please talk to you?"

Jimin and Hobi were suspicious of the boy and asked Jin if he was ok. He nodded yes and walked away from the table and followed Taehyung.

While they talked his two friends, Jungkook and Yoongi sat down in front of Jimin and Hobi.

Jimin raised his eyebrow at them and said, "Excuse me. But nobody invited you to sit down. Don't y'all have your own table?"

Yoongi leaned over the table and smirked at him.

"Yes we do, but we like this table. Plus, I think you're cute. Don't you think so Kook?"

Jungkook looked at him and said, "He's doable.. but I like this one. He seems just my type." He points at Hobi whose eyes were as big as saucers.

"Seokjin, I have been wanting to talk to you for so long."

"Jin.. I go by Jin now."

"R-right.. Jin, I just wanted to apologize to you for everything that happened to you. I don't know why I followed the crowd and hurt you. I'm so sorry."

Jin was looking everywhere but at him. He just wanted to go back to his friends and forget he ever saw this boy again.

"Ok, fine. You're forgiven."

He then turned and started to walk away until Tae grabbed his hand and turned him around.

"That's it?"

"What did you expect? I am not going to dwell on things that I can't change."

"C-can we be friends again?"

"No, I'm sorry but I just don't trust you. I can forgive you but we'll never be friends again."

He then turned back to his table and sat down.

When Jungkook and Yoongi saw him sit they looked at Tae's direction and saw he looked down. So they got up and walked over to where he stood.

Tae looked at Jin for a little bit longer, until Yoongi patted his shoulder and said, "Let's get some food."

They then walked over and filled their trays with food. And found their own table.

At Jin's table Joonie was telling Jin about what Tae's friends said to Jimin and Hobi. Who were both now blushing.

Jin giggled at them and then Jimin got up to chase Joonie around the table. He was laughing and enjoying his time with his friends.

At Tae's table, he watched as Jin laughed with friends who weren't him. He saw how beautiful he is and when he smiles his eyes crinkle up and they tear up the harder he laughs.

He never got to see this Jin. He only saw the sad one, the one who thought he had a real friend in Tae.

He was part of the reason why Jin suffered so much. Jin trusted him and he betrayed him. No wonder he doesn't want to be friends with him again.

"Hey, what are you looking at? What's with you and that pretty boy?" Jungkook asked

"Don't call him that!"

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