High School

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The day after Jin had been found safely, Taehyung had gotten up early to get ready for the day. He planned to ride all over the more desolate locations in town to search for Jin.

He packed his backpack with water bottles and small snacks for energy. When he went downstairs he heard his parents talking about the awful news. His heart dropped, and he rushed over to his parents.

"What happened?!"

His mother turned to him, surprised he was up so early on a Saturday morning.

"Oh, Taehyung. Your father and I were just talking about what happened to that poor boy. The same one you and your friends hurt years ago."

Tae was really worried now, so he asked, "Did something happen? A body? What?"

Taehyung's mother noticed he was agitated so she calmly said, "They found him last night. One of his school mates kidnapped him. It's all over the news."

Taehyung quickly runs over to grab the TV remote and turns it on. He sees clips of Soo Huyk and an older man getting pushed into the police station.

As he listens to the report, he finds out that through quick investigating, they were able to find out where Soo Hyuk's father had a place rented under an alias.

They then mention the other missing children from areas that they previously lived. And are trying to connect them to the missing kids from town, hoping that they will find them alive.

Tae then turned to his parents and asked if they could take him to see Jin. But they didn't think it was a good idea.

"Tae, I think he is still recovering from the terrible experience and needs to be around his family. I don't think us being there will help him.

Let's not forget that they were very angry at everyone involved with what happened to their son back then. Do you think they will welcome you with open arms? No, it's best to wait until he's feeling alot better."

Taehyung walked sadly back to his room. He knew they were right. He just wishes he could see him just to make sure he's ok. But there's nothing he can do for now.

During the next week, there were reporting that Soo-hyuk and his father were finally telling the authorities about all the victims they hurt.

Sadly, they were all dead. Thirty two victims in all. From several different districts throughout the country.

They found the missing girl who was taken before Jin. Her body was still mostly preserved enough to find evidence of both culprits.

Jin was now at home with his parents and Jimin stays with him alot. His parents haven't allowed him to return to school yet. So Tae has to ask Jimin almost daily if Jin is ok.

Jimin tries to give him good news cause he can see how worried Tae is about him. When Jimin tells Jin that Taehyung keeps asking about him, he is surprised.

"That's strange. He doesn't seem like he would care."

"Well from what I can see whenever he asks about you. He seems to care alot. You never really explained how you two knew each other. But, whatever happened between y'all. Try to remember that you were both really young. And nobody thinks about what's right when you are peer pressured into doing things."

Jin thought about it and figured he was right. Tae and he used to be friends, and he thinks that if the other kids had not specifically forbid him from talking to him, they could've possibly remained friends.

"Next time you see him, tell him that he can come visit me here at home. If he really cares and actually wonders how I am, then he can face me and my parents."

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