Forever 💜

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This is the final chapter of this book. And it will be really short, unlike the final chapters of other books. Sorry. 😔

As Tae and Jin moved forward with their lives, they got busy with their jobs. But they made a promise to each other that they would always be home in time for dinner.

There had been a few exceptions, when things absolutely couldn't be avoided and they had to stay late. But they always let the other know when they couldn't be home on time.

One morning, Jin woke up and had to run to the bathroom cause he felt sick. Taehyung was still in a sleep haze and didn't understand what was happening.

But he finally got off the bed and walked into the bathroom to check on his love. He massaged his back until Jin was finally able to stop puking.

"Are you feeling a little better baby? Or should we wait a bit longer to be sure?"

Jin shook his head and reached out for Tae's hands, so he could help him off the ground.

"I think the worst of it has passed. I think maybe the food I ate last night was past its prime. Maybe I have food poisoning."

"Well I could get you something from the pharmacy if you want me to."

"No babe, I'll be ok. I don't think I'll be going to work today though. I don't want to spend all day in the toilet."

"Ok, I will get ready for work, and I will make you some toast and a cup of tea. Ok."

Jin lays back on the bed and nods at Tae. He tries to remember exactly what he ate that could have made him so sick. But he doesn't remember eating anything that could've included expired dairy or meats.

As he's laying down on the bed he unconsciously rubs his belly, and he suddenly wonders if he could be pregnant.

He is still rubbing his belly when Tae walks out of the shower and he watches him. He then starts to wonder the exact same thing and he walks over to him and lays next to him.

"Babe?" He asks.

"Hmm?" Jin replies.

Then as he reaches his hand out and joins Jin's hands as they continue rubbing his belly, he says, "Do you think maybe you could be pregnant?"

Jin stops moving his hands and looks at Tae.
"I don't know.. I mean I guess it's possible."

Tae gets excited but tries not to show it.

"Should we maybe take you to the doctor just to be sure?"

"Ok, sure.. but can I sleep just a little bit longer?"

Tae chuckles at him and tucks him into bed again. He then gets dressed and walks out to the kitchen to call in sick to work today. He then schedules an appointment for Jin for later and then he returns to bed.

He holds onto Jin closely and caresses his belly. He then falls asleep listening to Jin's soft snores.

Later at the doctors office, they get the news that makes them the happiest they've ever been.

"Mr. Kim, you are about four months pregnant now. I'm surprised you haven't realized it sooner."

"Well, I have been feeling nauseous and really sleepy lately.
But I had never had morning sickness until this morning."

"I see, well maybe you are one of the lucky ones who rarely suffer from it. For now, if you feel sick. Nibble on saltines and drink ginger ale. It should help with nausea."

"Thank you so much doctor."

They left the doctors office and went straight to an ice cream shop, cause Jin craved an ice cream sundae.

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