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Taehyung tried all summer to talk to Jin so he could apologize. But every time he got near him, Jin would run in another direction or completely ignore him.

He even tried to ask Jimin for help again, but was rebuffed. He was at his wits end.

When they all started college, he would see Jin around campus and he didn't seem to be sad. Not like he was, his life was in misery.

His parents got him an apartment near school and he spent his free time painting. It helped calm him, and prevented him from going to get drunk and making things worse.

Time was flying by and Jin started to date a fellow student. His name was Yoo Seung Ho and they shared several of the the same classes.

When Tae first saw them together, his heart felt like it actually broke.

But he then thought that, if Jin likes him and is really happy with him, then he deserves to be happy. So he will wish them the best.

He would occasionally see them around and at first, things seemed like they were ok. Jin looked really happy with him.

But lately he's been noticing that Jin just stays by his side and hardly talks to anyone.

He holds onto Seung ho's hand and stands next to him. Not speaking or looking at anyone unless they speak to him first, but he looks at his boyfriend as if to ask permission.

He knew something wasn't right, but he couldn't just go up to talk to Jin about it. So he just observed them from afar.

Then one day, Jimin came to talk to him worriedly.

"Tae, I know we haven't talked in months, and I will understand if you tell me to leave you alone.

But I know you still love Jin, and I am so worried about him. The guy he's with is very controlling and possessive.

He doesn't let Jin talk to any of his friends or even go out with his family. I've tried talking to Jin about him, but he would call me crazy at first.

Now he just sits in silence while I plead with him to leave him. He is like a robot."

Tae listened in shock. This was not what he expected to hear about Jin's relationship.

"Jimin, I don't know what I can do. He won't talk to me, and I'm sure it would be even harder to get near him now. I'm sure that guy knows who I am in Jin's life and will never allow me to talk to him."

"I'm so scared that he's actually hurting Jin to keep him in line. He's already suffered so much and it kills me to think that he is being physically hurt."

"I will keep an eye on them, but I can't really do much else."

Jimin nods and then walks away, leaving Tae to worry. He decides to keep a closer eye on Jin and his boyfriend. If he witnesses him hurting him, he will kill him.

Day after day he watches them at school. And he does notice that Jin is timid around him, and not his usual cheerful self.

Once during lunch he saw Seung Ho spill his drink on Jin, and instead of apologizing he laughed at him. And others soon joined him and laughed at him too.

Jin ran into the bathroom and tried to clean his shirt out and Tae took the chance to try to talk to him. When he walked in he saw Jin furiously scrubbing out the stain and trying to hold back his tears.

Seeing Jin suffering again because of someone being cruel to him just broke his heart. He slowly walked towards him and softly tapped his shoulder. Making Jin jump in surprise.

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