Twelve. [ Loki imagine]

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I had grown quite fond of the form of a cat. They were such mischievous little creatures...well, I liked them. Some reminded me of myself. Especially the black ones with green eyes. Hehe.

I stretched out in the sun. Oh how relaxing this was; no big brother Thor or Father Odin to stop me from creating whatever mischief I wanted on Midgard.

"Mmmm...." I purred, rolling in the grass. 'What trouble should I conjure today for humans...?' I thought to myself. Theft? Mind trickery? And so many other options. Humans would never see it coming. Ha.

"Mommy look! A kitty!!" I heard some puny child shout and giggle. I rolled my green eyes. Foolish mortal. She better not be referring to me. I didn't even look a her. But suddenly, I was aroused from my thinking as a pair of pudgy arms scooped me up.

"Mary let me see!" Squealed another. I growled but the two children just giggled. "Mommy can we keep it!" The two squealed in unison. "Well..." "Please....!" They whined. "Alright." Said the mother. I growled. No! This was not right.

"I am a god you dull human!" I shouted. Apparently to them it just sounded like meowing. The one called Mary started to carry me away her sister following. I growled and they giggled in joy. Not cool. The way she carried me was very uncomfortable. And her sister had grabbed my feet. I was not amused. I considered turning back into my normal form but I thought better of it. Too noticeable. I didn't want Thor coming in and ruining my fun.


As time went by I had started to like the two girls Mary and Lilly. I was quite well pampered except when they carried me around. They did not get that right yet. I hoped I wasn't getting fat either. I liked my lean frame.

I did play tricks on them too. No one would suspect the cat. Sometimes if the family was all together in the living room, I would duplicate myself and hide in different spots. And then one of me would meow to get their attention. When they'd look, I wasn't there. And then another one of me would meow and they'd look again. And I'd disappear. I'd repeat that for a while until I got bored. I would walk out of my hiding place and then I would be scooped up by Mary or Lilly. I did other tricks too. Some for my own
amusement, some for the girls.

I was sleeping on the windowsill in the living room. Or trying to. Mary and Lilly were attempting to put ribbons in my fur. I tried to fend them off but that didn't work. There was a sudden knock on the door and I heard the mother sigh and get up to answer it. My ear twitched as I listened to the door knob click and open.

"Hello, have you seen a black cat with emerald green eyes in the neighborhood?" Said the voice of...Thor. Great. I growled a little and stood up. My back arched and hissed at the front door.

"Kitty calm down!" Squealed Mary as Lilly tried to push me back to laying down. The mother and Thor both glanced over at us. I was sitting and glaring at Thor. I growled and his eyes narrowed a little.

"A cat exactly like that one. I lost him a while back; ran away from home. I really have missed him..." I rolled my eyes at his pathetic lies. But the mother believed him. She looked at her daughters; basically saying they had to give me to the man.

"But mommy this is our kitty." Lilly whined and they both held me, some ribbons falling out. "But he's also this man's kitty." She said. Mary shook her head and Lilly was about to cry. Thor bit his lip, clearly not wanting to make two little girls cry. He glanced at me and he knew I had a smug look on my face.

"Alright...I guess you two can keep the kitty..." Thor said. Mary and Lilly cheered. The two ran and hugged his legs while still holding me. I didn't appreciate being smushed into Thor's legs. But, they soon pulled away. "Thank you sir." They said in unison. Thor smiled and nodded. "Take good care of him. Have you given him a name?" He asked. I sighed. When would he leave? The two shook their heads. Thor smiled. "Well, when he was my cat, I called him Loki." He said. "Any way, i best be off. Good bye now." He said and headed out. "Bye mister!" Mary and Lilly called.

They finally put me down and I stretched. "I like Loki." Said Mary. Lilly nodded in agreement. I smirked slightly. This was fun.

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