Chapter 2: My Epic Academia (part 2)

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Here we skip all the way to the end of middle school.

The teacher walks in holding a stack of papers (ya you know what's going to happen next no need to explain but I'll do it anyways because I care and I want to hit above 150 words so...) after a few seconds he says now everyone we are going to  sine here to what we want to be when we grow up, but not hafe a second he throws all the papers up into the air and says," Who am I kidding I know you all want to be hero's when you grow up."

And right after that Bakugou starts going on a rant about how he's going to be the next number 1 hero say," all you D-listers are going to be lucky if you even find a job as a side kick."(btw this Bakugou is a little stronger and faster thanks to the training with Izuku ) as you can tell no one is alright with this comment and all of them start to yell at Bakugou saying," you think your all tuff your just bark no bight," and Izuku is just sitting there giggling to himself. After that commotion the teacher starts to say that to people are going to UA if "if Izuku is not the other on going then who ever it is the I will give them a BAD time." Bakugou said with anger in his voice " geez Bruh I don't be like that of course I'm going Bruh, why would I not want to fulfill my dreams of becoming a hero?"

Teacher: the two people that will be going to UA are Katsuki Bakugou and Izuku Midoriya.

Bakugou POV: oh thank you.

(Unlike in the cannon mha no one laughs because he's made freinds whit everyone and sometimes even talked Bakugou out of bullying spurting people) "huh, that makes a lot of send. " say a student "ya your right he seems like the kind of guy to get in the top 10." Says someone else.

Bakugou POV: I don't like how he's getting so much attention but at lease I have a friend to talk to at UA. I feel Ike I'm going to have an awesome time at UA.

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