Bellamy gripped at the noose around his neck, his eyes flickered to Murphy and then back to Lawrence, he wanted to get to her desperately, tell her that they would be okay and that he would help her, not because he wanted to control her but because he loved her, but before he got a chance to unwrap the noose around his neck, Murphy laughed and tightened the noose, causing Bellamy to have to stand on his tip toes to ensure that he could still breathe.
"You know, I gotta hand it to you Bellamy. You got them all fooled. They actually look up to you." Murphy circled Bellamy, who wobbled from side to side on the stool, the action made Lawrence more and more nervous. "Almost as much as they look up to Clarke. Yeah, but we know the truth, don't we?" Murphy tied the belts around the ladders, so that he no longer had to hold it. Lawrence knew what he was preparing for, he was preparing to watch him hang. "You're a coward. I learned that the day you kicked that crate from beneath me. I'm still so suprised that Conner didn't recieve the same treatment for what he was doing to Blondie." He paused. "But you were just giving the people what they wanted, right?"
Murphy, please.
Let me end my suffering.
"I should've stopped them." Bellamy admitted. His eyes flickered to Lawrence who had began to gather more belts, tying them all together to form a noose.
"Yeah, it's a little late for that now." Murphy slowly nodded.
"You think they're just gonna let you walk out of here?" Bellamy questioned Murphy, but his eyes didn't leave Lawrence.
"Well, I think the Princess is dead." Murphy stated bluntly.
"And I know the King is about to die, so who's gonna lead these people huh? I think Blondie's gonna hang herself with you. I always loved Romeo and Juliet. So," He paused as he looked around the room. "Me. That's who. And yeah, maybe I have to kill your grounder-pounding little sister."
Bellamy got angered by the comment and tried his hardest to kick Murphy, but he stepped back just in time. Murphy grabbed the belts and pulled down, making Bellamy gasp for air, his head tilted back. Lawrence stopped for a moment and turned to look at the boy, who was now gasping for air. She quicky threw her belts over the beam and dragged a crate over to her noose.
"Murphy." Lawrence spoke up, making Murphy loosen the restraints. "Let him watch."
The dark haired boy felt his heart break as she placed her head through the noose. She had given up fighting now. The Lawrence who the council sent down to the ground was no more, she had died a long time ago. He shook his head, desperately hoping that she had some elaborate plan to get them both out of her, but he was starting to loose hope.
The two boys fell silent as they watched Lawrence. Murphy hadn't ever felt more conflicted in his life, he desperately wanted to save the girl like she had saved him, but he knew that watching Lawrence die would cause Bellamy an indescribable pain.
Lawrence closed her eyes, she couldn't bare to look at Bellamy, because she knew if she turned and looked at him that she would want to figure a way that she could get him out of this situation alive.
In peace may you leave the shore.
In love may you find the next-
The sound of sparks, followed by a scream from beneath them cut Lawrence off. Her eyes flew open and she looked to Bellamy who was frantically shaking his head. Lawrence knew that Raven had been working on something. She guessed what she was working on ways to get Bellamy out alive. Murphy then aimlessly fired at the floor, until his bullets ran out.

Fanfiction"I think hell is something you carry around with you, not somewhere you go." Season One : Editing Season Two : unedited Season Three : Onhold Started : 8th September 2020 Finished : TBA ONHOLD