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It had been a week and Lawrence hadn't once moved from her bed. She hadn't showered, she barely ate, she only muttered to herself and could barely make eye contact with Bellamy. Bellamy had to leave the girl more than he wanted to due to Kane giving him a job on the guard, therefore he had to take shifts watching the gate. He made sure that Kyle, Miller, Octavia or Lincoln kept checking in on her whilst he worked, but they always said she didn't even utter a word when they were there.

But today felt different, Lawrence wanted to get out of the rut of just laying in bed, she wanted to get out of her own head and start taking care of herself again. Every inch of her body still ached but she wanted to get the blood off of her body.

Lawrence pushed herself up, swinging her legs off the edge of the bed and taking a look at the bathroom in the corner of her quarters, it seemed so close and yet so far. She closed her eyes and let go of a shaky breath before standing up. Her legs felt weak and wobbly, so she clung onto the bed for support.

Just to the shower, Lawrence.

It's not that far.

Stop being pathetic.

The blonde continued to walk to the bathroom, taking it one step at a time, she tried to ignore the small sharp pain in her legs. A smile graced her face as she made it to the shower. She reached out and turned the water to hot before slowly removing her clothes. She stepped into the shower and sat down, allowing the hot water to run over her body. Lawrence watched as the blood mixed with the water as it went down the drain.

"Law?" Bellamy's voice echoed through their quarters. He had expected to see her in bed like every other time, but instead she was no where to be seen and if it wasn't for the fact that he could hear the water running, he would have been concerned.  "What are you doing?"

I'm covered in blood, Bell.

My blood.

My blood.

My blood.

Lawrence turned to face Bellamy, slowly standing up in the shower. Bellamy averted his eyes and turned away from the girl, wanting to give her some privacy. "Come on Bellamy, you've seen me naked multiple times before."

"I didn't want to disrespect you." Bellamy muttered, his eyes travelling up the girl and to her brown eyes. The blonde smiled at him in response and grabbed the soap, attempting to reach her back to wash herself.

"Will you help me?" Lawrence questioned as she handed Bellamy the soap, Bellamy cleared his throat and nodded, taking a step forward to just help the girl wash her back. Lawrence rolled her eyes at the boy. "Take your clothes off and get in the shower, Bell." Bellamy nodded and quickly pulling his shirt over his head and his trousers off.

"Okay." He nodded and gently began to wash the blood from her body. Bellamy pushed her hair to one side and placed a light kiss on her shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her torso. She enjoyed the safety and stability his strong arms provided her with and she let out a sigh.

She had missed this. The way his body felt next to hers. The way his arms wrapped around her waist. The way he kissed her.

I've missed you.

LAW ¹ | BELLAMY BLAKE (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now