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"Creating a storyline is simple. It jus-"

Harry rolled his eyes and put his laptop on mute, twirling his fork around and taking a bite from his almost empty pot noodle. He shuffled around and crossed his legs, sitting on his single bed in his dorm room. His (now ex) roommate had switched rooms, claiming that Harry was 'too noisy' or some lame ass excuse like that. But he wasn't loud, he just played some music that his roommate didn't exactly like. So he was anticipating for someone to walk through the door at any moment really. That also meant he didn't want to do anything embarrassing in case they happened to walk in at the wrong time.

He then noticed his Literature Professor was writing something down on the online whiteboard thingy and he sighed, knowing that he had more work to do. And don't get Harry wrong because he likes University, but sometimes he just wants a break and that's not something he is able to get very often.

Harry unmuted his computer and moved so he was in view of his camera, playing it off as if he just went to the toilet for a second. Though most of the class was used to him leaving, so the truth was obvious in his eyes.

"Today's assignment is to get to know your roommate a little bit more. Ask about any hobbies and some talents that they have. Anything interesting or notable, remember it. You will write a story of what you think their life was and since you don't know every detail, it will be Fiction. You don't have to use their name either. This assignment is worth 45% of your grade and is due at the end of this term. I hope you enjoy this fun little test and maybe some of you will try a little harder than last year. Thanks for listening today."

The professor shut off the call, signalling the end of the lesson. Harry only scoffed and pushed his laptop further away from his body, mentally screaming about the fact that- oh yeah! He doesn't actually have a roommate at the moment.

He had six weeks to complete a task which was practically impossible for him to do. For so many more reasons than the few he could think of.

Speaking of, he sort of wonders where the hell that man is. It was going to be a man because the Uni couldn't possibly be so reckless as to give two opposite genders the same room because only the Lord knows what they would do. Or maybe they could, Harry didn't know much about that type of stuff.

His door swung open almost on cue, revealing an extremely petite man with a side fringe and strangely fluffy looking hair. He scanned the room and his bright eyes landed on Harry so he gave him a small smile.

"Hey I'm Louis....I'm guessing you're Harry?" Louis' voice was heavenly- not that Harry was willing to say that out loud unless he was very drunk.

"I tell you what Sherlock Holmes, you are unbelievable." Harry rolled his eyes and sat so his back was pressing against the headboard of his bed, the black frame having scratches littered all over it after being a witness to a few too many of Harry's anger-filled outbursts.

"I'm no Sherlock Holmes, but I'm Louis Tomlinson. And I pray that you don't talk to your mother with that mouth. My mum would have my head if I did." Louis chuckled and Harry gave a small effort of a smile, a small twitch at the lips. A start.

"For a small man, you have a lot of sass."

"I am not small! I am five-nine, thank you very much. If you must know, I need to keep people like you away from people like myself, it's a defensive charm. Works well." Louis glared at Harry.

For one of the few times in his life, Harry was stunned. No one really spoke to him in that way before so he didn't have any type of comeback prepared, nor did he expect him to talk like that. He grumbled some very colourful choice words and aggressively typed onto his laptop, practically taking his anger out on the electronic device. And there was definitely no way that kid was five foot nine. There was no chance, look at the bloody size of him!

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