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29th February, 19XX

It's a very rare day today. The date only appears on the calendar once in a blue moon.

My sister has unfortunately passed, but I now have a beautiful young niece to take care of in her stead. Her father was sent to war not too long ago. I deeply worry for his safety.

From what I know of monster biology, they are capable of wielding powerful magic, but their physically weak body balances out their strong magic. One merciless blow to the soul can kill a monster instantly. This is why I strongly disagreed to allow my younger brother-in-law to go to the front lines and defend the monster kind. He is very strong, but a one-of-a-kind powerful monster like him will be targeted by many.

I just hope that this war between the two species will end soon.


10th March, 19XX

The monsters lost.

Many are killed.

Including [Y/N]'s father.

I'll have to take care of her on my own from now on.

A beautiful child-like her doesn't deserve to be an orphan.


30th June, 19XX

[Y/N] turns 16 today, but her birthday marks her only 1. Normally her birthday would come once every four years, but it's been occurring much rarer than expected.

She's grown to be such a lovely girl. I'm so blessed to call her my niece and adopted daughter. Her great passion for art and cooking, her deep love for music, yet have the amazing potential to be a strong warrior both mentally and physically. She is so intelligent and has many good friends. She has so much potential to uncover.

She strongly refuses to wear any sort of skirt or dress. She claims to 'get in the way' whenever she practices her 'fighting skills'. I'm in high disbelief that I'm raising a girl, except for the fact that she loves to draw and that she doesn't mind having long hair. Haha.

However, my one doubt remains. Her father is a pure monster, while her mother has pure human blood. I just hope she is purely human. For her own safety.


20th August, 19XX

She's not entirely human. But she's not entirely a monster either. I saw her blood with my own eyes when she scraped herself accidentally years ago. But she can conjure some sort of magic.

Once, her hands felt hot when I held them. Thankfully I pulled away in time when a bright blue ball of flame suddenly conjures in the palm of her hand. She said it didn't hurt her one bit, but I could feel the intensity of the heat despite standing a few feet away.

Another time, we were playing hide and seek in the backyard. I spotted her hiding behind a tree, but when I went to check, I heard an odd sound. Before I knew it, [Y/N] was already at the other end of the backyard. She looked bewildered herself but we kept playing anyway.

I also remembered a time when I went into her room to do something, and I saw a massive goat-shaped skull floating beside her. I swear I heard soft growls or something like a purr as I saw [Y/N] pet it. I am not so sure; I blacked out as soon as I saw it.

And boy how can I forget? I recall when [Y/N] was just a wee child, she could pick up things even I couldn't! She topped the class in athletics each year and hardly broke a sweat.

My Save Star (discontinued) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt