All Might the teacher

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All of the 1A wannabe heroes were sitting on their chairs while waiting for their teacher when they hear the most ironic sentence of the day.
"-coming through the door like a normal person"-said All Might the number 1 hero. Kami looked up to him just like her brother but he wasn't her favorite hero. Not at all. He was fine. The best. But the hero she looked to had once saved her. And make her believe that she could be a hero. A hero that the world would remember for her courage loyalty and love to others. And if she was there it was because she wanted to prove to him that he was right. 'Hait and see. In the sports festival, I will show you what a Bakugou is made of!' She thought.
All Might told them to change in their hero suits and that they would meet in-ground beta.
Kami wasn't certain.  Her suit was been dissing by her and her brother when they were 4. 'Screw this I can always change my suit whenever I want' she told herself.
When she entered ground beta she heard her classmates whispering.
- so there are really two siblings in the class.
-they are nothing alike.
-look at their suits! They are the same!

Katsuki smirk at his sister. Yup the Bakugous twins would crash those extras. They wouldn't even know what had hit them.
All Might try to explain what would happen next but he hasn't capable of shut the class. Poor hero, he could defeat the most dangerous criminals but when it comes to teaching teenagers...
He could hear statements that were absolutely random like "isn't this cape tré magnifique?" *cough* Ayoma *cough*.
-Listen up All Might has something to say ya fools!- Kami shouted. Then nothing. No one was talking anymore.
-Thank you young Bakugou. What was I saying? we will make random teams and...- he was cut off by someone asking:
-isn't that unfair? Shouldn't we be team up by our quirks or something?
-Actually, when we become heroes there will be no time to team up properly once that we would have to act quickly. -Midorya said wisely. 
-That correct - 'why don't these kids just let me finish what I have to say?' - Then one team will play hero and the other will play villains. Villans have a bomb to protect in to win while heroes have to capture both villans or recover the weapon by touching it. -All Might explains

~Time skip~

(I will not give all the details from the battles because you guys know what happened right? At the sports festival I will be more detailed I promise)
Kami was shocked white her brother's attitude.  What the hell has that poor broccoli hair boy done to him? And why wasn't she aware that he was his brother's childhood friend? 
She ran to him
-What the fu... Katsuki? -She yelled concerned. 

Author's note: so sorry for taking so long updating.... hum... and I have proof that I can draw! To the next chapter muahahaha

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