Favorite Sweet

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[The Council of 18 is in a white void while they sit on chairs with a big table and name tags ]

Poppy: Hello, and welcome to Troll 2 Troll, where we debate the big questions. I'm Poppy, Queen of the Pop Trolls. And this is Queen Barb of the Rock Trolls, Mayor Delta Dawn of the Country Trolls-

Barb: [covers Poppy's mouth with her] Popsqueak! There's no need to introduce all of us. That's why we put name tags on the table.

Delta Dawn: [while Barb uncovers Poppy's mouth] Yeah, sweetie. That way, this clip will be short and sweet to the point. Hickory, honey, what's the question for this day?

Hickory: [winks at Delta] Okay, Delta darling. Today's topic is "Favorite Sweet"?

Poppy: [happily] Eee! Okay, I love cupcakes, gumdrops, sprinkles, frosting, and-

Trollex: Poppy, we want to tell them our favorite sweet.

Poppy: Sorry, I got too excited. Well, I love cupcakes. I'm crazy about them.

Barb: [rolled her eyes] No kidding... Anyway, my sweet is CHOCOLATE!!!

Trollzart: [annoyed] It's clear you and Poppy are no different from each other, Barbara.

Barb: [glared at Trollzart] Don't you dare say my real name.

Delta: Anyway, my favorite sweet is my Ma's prize apple cinnamon pie. She was a great baker back in her days.

Poppy: (find it's sweet) Awww, that's so sweet, literally. Trollzart, you're next.

Trollzart: Okay, Poppy. When the day ends, I'll always have a platter of my father's wholesome souffle.

Barb: Honestly, it sounds pretty good, Trollzart dude. What's in it?

Trollzart: I'm glad you ask. It's an egg-based dish that can come in different flavors like pumpkin or chocolate. Trollex, what about you?

Trollex: Well, my people and I love candy. But the favorite is gummy worms, sweet or sour.

Barb: Well, that figures. I mean, you are a fish troll, after all. Next!

King Quincy: Well, in the Funk troll culture. We put a lot of desserts on our buffet table.

Queen Essence: Our people love ice cream, but the top flavor is vanilla.

Prince D: Well, I prefer frozen yogurt. I wasn't born with a voice this good. I ate healthy food for my voice to be like this.

Barb: Hmm...You are part Hip-Hop, so that would make sense.

Wani: I can't believe I can't bring my girls with me.

Tresillo: Me too.

Chaz: Well, if I have to go next. I love strawberry banana smoothies.

Everyone: We know!

Wani: Well, I love red velvet cake.

Tresillo: Too cakey...I love churros.

Wani: Too cinnamony...

Big Sugar Daddy: Come on, you two. No fighting. My wife, Big Mama, makes great angel cakes.

Poppy: We're getting into the cake side of this debate. Hickory, you're next.

Hickory: We, Yodelers, love cheesecake, but my favorite one is strawberry since it reminds me of my Delta darling's strawberry red hair. (stroking Delta's chin)

Delta: (blushes) Hickory, honey... Teeheehee.

Garfield Siberian: (smiled and rolled his eyes) You two should get married.

Selena Siberian: (as Hickory and Delta blushed) Garfield, leave them be. Anyway, we love the taste of ice cream mochies. Isn't that right, twins?

Mochi and Mushi: (poking their heads out of Selena's hair in excitement) MOCHIES!!!

Barb: Heehee... So cute.

Poppy: Last is King Rajan and Queen Ishani of the Bollywood trolls. Please tell us your favorite sweet.

King Ranjan: Oh, there's so many. I wish we didn't have to pick just one.

Poppy: I know that feeling. I got a big sweet tooth.

Queen Ishani: Well, since we have to pick just on. I say Modak is our favorite.

Barb: (takes out a chocolate souffle and eats it) Well, now that's settled. Time to eat.

Trollzart: (angry) Hey, that's my souffle!

Barb: Well, you took my brownies!

Trollzart: Oh, you can have them back! (Throws the brownies at Barb, but she ducks, and they hit Wani)

Wani: Gaah! I've been brownied! And my makeup and hair are messed up.

[When Wani spots Tresillo laughing at her, she takes out a red velvet cake and throws it at his face.]

Tresillo: Aye! Eat churros. K-Pop chica! (takes out churros and throws at her, but they missed and hit Delta and Hickory.)

Hickory: Aaah! The cinnamon!! It burns my eyes!!! (holds his eyes in pain)

Delta: (takes out her apple cinnamon pie) How dare you! Eat cinnamon and apple!

[When Delta throws it, Tresillo ducks for it to hit Prince D]

Prince D: (glares) Oh, it's on! FOOD FIGHT!!!

[Quickly, the Council of 18 takes out their desserts and begins the food fight.]

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