Yo(short story)

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Peril's POV:

(This happened when Tide and Anemone were on the beach)

We were all in the kitchen.I walked past Clay and he said,"Yo."I said,"Clay?Since when did you become so cool?I mean,you're always cool but you're mostly nice more than cool and yeah...Something like that."Did I sound stupid?I probably did.

Clay looked confused,"Huh?What?I was about to say yogurt.I want yogurt.I'm hungry.Can I have food?"I giggled,"Clay you're so funny!"Clay smiled awkwardly.Clearly he didn't know what was happening but I don't mind cuz he's too cute!

Wings of fire as humans(Dragonets of destiny and Jade winglet)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang