Chapter 1

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When I was a young girl, my father would usually tell me that ghost weren't real...monsters were just fantasies. Although I believed in demons and angels and I loved God alot. Aside that, I didn't believe in anything else...

......boy was I in for a shock.....

My name is Tenshi Harmada....I have a.. disturbing story for you....

  It all started when our school decided to go for a field trip. It was a...Monday if I can recall well. Our principal said we would be taking a trip to the western farm; Vals Orion farm was what it was named.

I was currently sitting near the window, watching the building, object and the few animals I could spot pass by. I was clearly bored, we were told not to carry our phones along with us. Saying it would distract us from learning the life of a farmer. But seriously, why do I need to know? I don't need to know how it feels to wash a pig's butt.
A heavy sigh escaped my lips before a hand rested on my head.

"You okay Tenshi?" A voice called out. I turned around to see my seat partner Devan smile at me.

I simply replied with a smile before looking outside again, resting my chin on my arm

   "I'm okay. I'm just.....sooooooo....boooorrrreeed" I said as he chuckled gently.

"Calm down. It should be fun anyway." She said trying to reassure me. I doubted that heavily.

"Hmm? What's going on with you. You usually were excited about school trips."
The voice came from behind my chair.

Standing and leaning over was my best friend Selena. She poked my cheek which caused me to smack her hand away.
She giggled a bit before Nova, the guy beside her stretched his left arm and pulled her towards him before kissing her forehead. I looked away in disgust....well maybe a bit of jealousy...
James went towards Devan and smacked him on his back before laughing.

Looking at them, it caused me to smile a bit. We were something people called the six freaks. We were crazy in our own way and weird to others. The last person was Nathan who was busy flirting with the girls behind. He was always such a ladies man. Although because of that, I never found him attractive in anyway. If all girls like you, I won't bother myself on you. That was my rule.

Devan was who i actually had eyes for. He looked hot, was very good academically. He also was a nice guy. Brown hair, sea Blue eyes, a built body? He looks like a model. To be honest, alot of out guys are good looking..

Sometimes when my mind actually returns from its wonders, my hear beats faster remembering who was beside me.
I end up smiling way too much.... He might think I'm weird.

"Alright everyone, we are here." A voice shouted out. It was our instructor Miss Merlin.

Looking at her, she was actually very beautiful. Brown eyes, blonde hair, fair skin and a slender body. Her breast size was average and her ass was also the same. But alot of my seniors would be staring at her like as though she was an angel. Even Devan...which actually makes me a really jealous.

I shook my head gently when Devan tapped me. He gently pulled me up and held my hand as we went out, I forced myself not to give a weird expression although I was smiling.

The farm should I put it, disgusting....though I had never been to one, it was hard imagining myself doing something like this. They showed us the silos, pig pen, the farm house where the cows where.
I think the only enjoyable part was the horse riding. They were so adorable. Especially the white mane horse. I wished I could carry one home.

  "Hey Tenshi. Come with me. I wanna show you something." James came towards me which caused me to raise a brow up.

    " Where we going to?" I asked as he smirked before gently grabbing my arm.

  "Just come. The gang is waiting and some others as well." He said as he pulled me out.

We passed by the farm and where the silos were before arriving at a closed road leading to the forest. There was a broken sign there which read.


  "Nova found it while he was walking around. We've decided to explore the road. Wanna join?" James asked as I blinked before removing my arm from his grip.

    "Are you nuts?! Why would I enter a forest especially named THAT??" I asked baffled at the question he asked me.

Devan came towards me and placed his hand on my head causing me to look up at him before Selena came to me smiling.

"C'mon it will be fun. Besides we are much, nothing bad can happen" she said, her hazel eyes shining a bit as her brown hair blew to the side. She had the same body size as me. Maybe a bigger bust but still the same.
I was just a bit taller than her. And it was fun teasing her about it.

  I crossed my arms having serious doubt about it. But eventually I agreed after having a sigh.

"Fine fine fine....ill go Ill go." I said half-heartedly as selrnay smiled and pulled me towards the gate.

Nova and Nathan had already managed to break the lock open and thus we entered the forest of death. I held onto devan's arm tight. So tight, he began groaning when the pain was too much. I had to apologize alot. I didn't like the forest, it creeped me out alot. I felt like I was being watched; that a figure would eventually Jump out if I let my guard down.

After walking, avoiding wolves, snakes, a bear. (Didn't expect a bear to be there), we eventually stumbled upon what looks like an abandoned hospital.

  "Wow. How long has this hospital been holding up?? Nova asked as I held my chin in thought.

"Probably for years. It looks abandoned. Even the plants have started growing around it." I replied to his question as they began discussion on whether or not to enter.

If we did, we could report what we found to our instructors. Something good would surely come out. But we could also just leave it. I had a very bad feeling about this. It was bothering me, very much.

As I looked at the entrance, a gush of wind rushed towards my face and I suddenly felt as though the darkness was calling me.
And so I crept slowly towards it; My body failing to function normally as it kept walking towards the darkness.
I could faintly hear my friends voice calling me back but my body refused to listen.

Once my foot crossed the entrance door, I was engulfed by darkness and appeared somewhere else. And infront of me, sitting magnetically was a being that terrified my very bones..



"....In the end.....everything dies...."

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