diary of a little spider - peter

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"I've made her protocols to cater specifically to your habits. She also has a built-in function to monitor your behaviour incase your habits change or worsen."

"She has a heart monitor as well as some defibrillators, so," He laughed, "Maybe don't make her mad."


Peter makes Tony a robot. Insert cliché video diaries.

"Hey, Mr. Stark!"

Peter's bright face filled the camera. His eyebrows were drawn together as he tried to set the camera down. After a small struggle, he backed up slowly, hands out to catch the phone. When satisfied that the phone wouldn't fall, he straightened up and grinned.


He put his hands in front of him, fingers intertwined in a no-nonsense position. "I have taken upon myself the responsibility to make you a birthday present."

Peter paused, and tilted his head like a puppy. "What is this present, you ask? Why, none other than your own personal self-care robot, whom I have named..."

Peter pulled a large whiteboard into view with the acronym 'ASAP'

"All-purpose Self-care Affections Partner, or A.S.A.P."

A bright smile lit up his face. "You like it?"


"I've made her protocols to cater specifically to your habits. She also has a built-in function to monitor your behaviour incase your habits change or worsen."

"She has a heart monitor as well as some defibrillators, so," He laughed, "Maybe don't make her mad."

"ASAP can set alarms for eating and sleeping, and can alert others when you've been working too long or you're having an anxiety attack."

He looked sheepish as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I once read that having weight on your chest can help ground them, so I added a bit of extra weight to ASAP so she can help ground you during your attacks."

He scrunched his eyes. "I haven't figured out how to get her to move around practically, but I'm sure I'll figure it out."


"I figured it out!" He sang, jostling the camera as he placed it down much less carefully than the other times.

"If I just change her casing to either vibranium or titanium alloy, I should be able to have enough buoyancy to make her fly. The only problem is that she still needs to be heavy enough for the anxiety attacks, but I'm sure if I just use vibranium it'll be light enough that it can fly anyway."

He smiled then. "Also, I just finished a rough prototype. Wanna see?"

In his cupped hands, he held a robot about as big as a baseball. The small, cube-shaped robot only emitted small beeps and honks.

"She's still young," Peter giggled, "But I'll fix her up!"


"Phew. It's been a while." Peter wipes his hand on his head. "I've finished the rudimentary code as well as her basic design. She should be finished in only a few months."

Peter yawns then, leaning back in his chair. "School's been pretty okay, and I've been able to recruit Ned to do some of the coding. MJ is scary as usual, but she's been nice otherwise."

"Spidey's been pretty calm, too. I haven't done a big bust in weeks, I'm starting to think they don't need Spider-Man anymore," he joked. His eyes fluttered closed as he sighed.

"I almost feel like its too calm. Y'know? Like there's something big coming."

He faced the camera straight-on, grinning. "I'm probably just tired, though. I should catch up on sleep."


"My spidey sense has been going bonkers the last few days. I can't find any danger, though. Maybe I'm just jumpy from last week's robbery. Who knows."

He looked a bit more tired, with slight bags starting to form under his eyes. He gave a noncommittal sniff, then launched into another topic.

"Anyway, ASAP is really getting there. right now, she's all covered in wires so you can't see her. But all I need to do now is..."


The bags were more prominent. Peter looked troubled as the video started, but shook himself and burst i to his signature smile.

"Hey! I'm so close to being done, the light is finally at the end of the tunnel."

"I finally finished ASAP's design, here she is."

He brought up a black, cube-shaped lump, and said, "Wakey wakey."

Two little lights turned on, looking like cute little eyes. The "eyes" blinked a few times, then the bot vibrated a few seconds before giving off an indignant honk.

"I can't bring myself to stop the honking. It's endearing at this point." Peter glanced up from gazing at ASAP, who was snuggled into his hand like a little chick.

"I decided to remove the defibrillator for.. obvious reasons, and installed a ton of medical info into her databases, as well as a dosage chart for epinephrine, just in case Pepper eats strawberries or something."

He giggled a little, then fell back in his chair heavily. "You'll love it, sir. I know you will."

"Hey!" Peter bounced onscreen. "Good news, my spidey sense is quiet. Either it was just being crazy for no reason, or..." He bit his lip. "Yeah, it was probably just being weird."

"Onto ASAP, I can't finish her until after my field trip, but I promise, she's so close! All she needs is a few more reinforcements and a dozen more lines of code and she'll be all ready for you, sir."

Peter's proud smile was directed at the little robot zooming through the air, honking and chirping.

"ASAP, come here!"

Immediately, the bot zoomed over and plopped itself im Peter's hand.

"Good girl," he cooed.

"I'll be back from MoMA in no time, and then I can finish her, alright?"
Last updated 04-24-16

ASAP sits unfinished in an inconspicuous corner of the lab, long since run out of battery. Her creator is long dead, merely dust on a planet far away.

It's been five years, and the man she was created for has never needed her more


im so sorry

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