Chapter 21

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I got up and went to the toilet with Talia. On our way there, JJ is on his way back to the table, so I tell Talia to go ahead and I would be in there in a minute. 

I look up at JJ and smirk and he does it back, him whispering in my ear to tell me how amazing I looked. We carry on walking our opposite directions as he heads back over to the tables and I carry on to the toilets. I walk in and see Talia touching up her makeup. I touch up mine and tell Talia she can head back now instead of waiting around for me as she went to speak her phone rang and she took the call outside.

~possible tw~

I looked in the mirror and turned to the side, seeing what looked like a monster staring back at me and horrified at what I saw. My eyes teared up slightly and I went on my instagram and looked at the comments on my post seeing people saying stuff like 'omg she looks pregnant' and 'she is so fat it's disgusting'. A tear falls out of my eye and i run over to the toilet and I relapse, all that hard work picking myself back up after keeping it secret for so long. I threw up into the toilet a few times and then stood back up and went back over to the mirror in a way feeling better that the food was out of my system but also feeling an overwhelming blanket of guilt over me. I wipe my face and stare in the mirror for a split second but then looking away almost instantly from not being able to look at myself in the eye. I put some chewy in my mouth the hide the scent of vomit and went back to the toilet to flush it and spray a bit of deodorant around. I grab my bag a make my way out of the toilet forcing a smile upon my face.

I sit back down on my chair at the table.

"You alright?" My brother says to me. 

"Yeah I'm fine" I smile back to him.

"When a chick says there fine.. trust me they're the furthest thing from it" Freezy says.

"Shut up you dick" I laugh hitting him on the arm

"Okay yeah she's fine" He replies making everyone round the table laugh.. except from one person.

Lemme know any ideas you would like to happen in the book, I'll add them in if people want me to and I should hopefully get a few more chapters out soon because I am isolating again because rona is shit :/ Hope everyones having a good day <3 ps sorry this chapters short :( x

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