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I looked around,  taking in my surroundings. Nothing looked familiar.  I was in a pale,  cream colored room with a dresser and the occasional hanging picture.  I was in a bed with a cream and red colored comforter.  The room had a sliding paper door and voices echoed down the hall.

As my eyes came into focus,  I noticed the red on the comforter were little red butterflies that exploded against the cream fabric.  As I starred, a horrid pain overcame my senses. I sat up and clutched my head. The longer I sat up,  the more everything hurt.

It hurt. just to exist.

My only escape was to throw myself flat on the bed and choke out a painfilled scream. As the scream left my lips, two people rushed in the room. Everything became a blurr of tears.  I saw a short girl with brown hair and another girl with pink hair.  Both girls rushed to me and slowly set me upright.

"Desi,  are you okay?" My screaming ceased and was quieted by confusion. Desi? Who are these people and where am I? Better question,  who am I? The confusion subsided as the pain rushed back.

I screamed and stood up. I was in a pair of red shorts and a black tank top. "Bathroom" I whispered and the one with the dark hair pointed across the hall.  I rushed into the bathroom,  despite my body's protest. I became sick and fell to the Porcelain Queen. The two girls from before rubbed my back and held my. hair.  After a few minutes,  I was able to wobbly stand. The dark haired girl handed me. a rag. I wiped my mouth and wiped away my tears.

I signed and looked into the mirror.  I came face-to-face with a young,  pale face with piercing green eyes. Blood red hair cascaded down in lose waves and curls. I was pretty but I didn't know the face. I looked into the mirror behind me and my eyes and met the worried faces of the two girls.

One was a young girl,  in a school uniform. She had a dark head of hair that was a mixture purple and brown. Her eyes were worrisome and brown. The girl next to her was taller and older. She had a pixie cut that cupped her face. Her hair was light pink and her eyes were pink. She was worried but smiled at me.

I looked back into the mirror when I noticed something. She touched my hair and moved a piece of hair.  I saw something white. The pink haired girl had a pointed to my head. I moved more pieces of fire red hair and saw two white horn-like thing sticking out of my head. What were these?

Something caught my attention and I looked behind me and saw a girl in the doorway.  She had long pink hair and pink eyes and she also had the horn-like protrusions.  I touched my horns and the short haired girl removed her bow and she had them too. 

"Desi,  are you okay?" A pain sprouted up from my head and I crouched and screamed.  What is going on? Where am I? Someone yelled a man's name and a tall boy with brown hair and grey eyes ran in. 

"Nyu, what's wrong?"

The girl pointed to me. "Desi!"

I felt powerless and weak but the man picked me up and brought me to a dining room.  "Yuka, bring food!"

I felt my head begin to explode with pain as lights bursts before my closed eyes.

The boy sat me up and made me take some medicine. The pain slowly subsided as I began to eat. There were many people at the table.  The one boy, the two pink haired girls, two brown haired girls and me. 

"Are you going to be okay? " The youngest girl asked. 

"I don't know… "

"Well what happened to you?" The older brown haired girl asked.

"I… I don't know. I can't remember anything! Who-Who am I?" I asked,  upset.

The boy spoke up. "Your name is Desi Joy. " I opened my mouth to speak. "You have a bracelet that says your name." I looked down and saw a gold plated bracelet with the words Desi Joy engraved in it.

"Desi Joy?" I whispered "How did I get here?"

The girl with the short pink hair spoke, "We found you.  You were bleeding and unconscious and laying in a pile of bushes. Nyu found you."

I blinked. "What happened?"

"We think you got into some sort of accident.  And you don't remember anything, do you? " I shook my head.  "Well its good you're here then! By the way,  I'm Khota." He gestured around the room.

The older brown haired girl was Yuka.  The girl with the long pink hair was Nyu,  she didn't speak much. The young dark haired girl was Mayu and Nana was the girl with the pink pixie cut.

I smiled and tried to relax and forget the pain. I hoped that someday soon I would be able to remember something but today,  I decided to find solace in the vast confusion.  It was okay though because I felt safe with these girls with similar horns. I felt safe with them.

Well this is the first chapter of Mistaken, tell me what you think and stay tuned for more!

Mistaken (Dragon Ball Z X Elfen Lied)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن