Faster: Matt Nathanson

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"One big disaster//You make my heart beat faster." 

It was Saturday. Your mother invited us to go to the Museum. I was beyond excited, when my mom told me, I didn't know how to react without giving myself away. I couldn't hold in the smile that was permanent on my face. Your mom picked us up, we went to the train station, it was both our first time riding! Once we were seated (we sat together, my heart was in my throat) we talked about random stuff. Eventually we arrived at the museum, and we went inside and explored the many different exhibits. We agreed that our favorite was the water fountain, where we splashed around, and through little balls at each other. Your sister and I teased you because you hate getting wet. We laughed, played, and interacted, at one point we split a hot-dog with each other. On the train ride back we sat together again, our thighs were touching. Did you feel the sparks or was that just me? Once we were in the car driving home; our moms were chatting, your sister fast asleep, and we were looking out the window at the passing skyscrapers. Somehow your hand grazed mine-my heart was beating a mile a minute-and for one second I thought you were going to hold my hand. One second turned to one month, soon to one year, and then to years. Just waiting for you to hold my hand. 

To Never Have At All: Love is a Mix TapeWhere stories live. Discover now