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Although you're far away, I've still taken the time to choose my favorite moments with you. I know that you would never read this, but it helped me get out all of my emotions on to something besides my pillow. Have you ever loved someone so much you wanted to scream at the top of your lungs? That's what it felt like with you. Somehow you were oblivious to my feelings, but that's okay. It would save me the time to cry over your rejection. I think you being 920 miles away is good for me. I just want you to know that while you were hoping for Alva to notice you, you had someone in front of you who loved everything about you. David, we met each other when I was eight years old. In that time for four years I had a crush on you. For another four additional years, you've consumed my thoughts and I fell in love with you. It is now March 2015, and I used to love you, but not anymore.  

To Never Have At All: Love is a Mix TapeWhere stories live. Discover now