Haunted: Beyoncé

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"I know if I'm haunting you//You must be haunting me." 

 It has been exactly 8 months since the last time I saw you (written in 2015). Coincidentally we both were at the same wedding. I sat across from where your family was seated on the other side of the room. We didn't talk as much, but there were words exchanged. You seemed happy, I noticed that. You looked good, you always did, your face never changed, and still held its boyish look. A month later, my mother told me you and your family were moving to Texas. I was shocked because you didn't mentioned it at the wedding, but why should I be. We weren't part of each other's lives anymore. Our chapter had ended. I guess what hurt me was that you didn't bother saying goodbye. I wonder if that was the case from the beginning, you held this importance in my life, but for you I was just any other girl.

 No contact since. It surprises me that you're still locked in my mind. I was hoping to have forgotten about you, but honestly I can't. I haven't spoken to you since August, so why are you still haunting my thoughts?

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