Section 2: Grillbz

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Temmie: *slams the door to grillby's* hands up and give meh all da ketchup!!!

Sans: .............

Temmie: *Grabs the ketchup in sans's hand and drinks it all*

Sans: DO YOU WANNA HAVE A BAD TEM!!!!!!!!? *ba dum tsss*

Temmie: nope, but do u want ketchup flavoured tEMMIE flakes, for free :3

Sans: Fine, I'll let you pass

Temmie: *Gives sans the ketchup flavoured tem flakes*

AD: *runs in and smashes the door like undyne does* IS EVERYONE OK?!!!!!!

Temmie: yup, WE're fine. free tEMMIE flakes for everyone!!!!!!

AD: *walks around while dropping dog residue* Some dog residue

Undyne: *spear of justice* HELLO!? IS EVERYONE OK???

Temmie: *i am not important in this world :<*

AD: Temmie, I have dog residue

Temmie: Not now. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! ok give meh da annoyin doggy residue now

AD: *hands it over* here

Temmie: tanks for da annoyin doggy residue! :3 *does a math problem for sum reason* ok... um... 99+ 162= 261. now give meh MOAR annoyin doggy residue.

Papyrus: Does anyo-UNDYNE??? Why are you here? And please put down the spear. You're scaring everyone.

AD: Bwoof *pant pant pant pant pant*


AD: *papyrus throws me out of grillby's*

Temmie: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! annoyin doggy! *stares at spaghetti man angrily* u wont get tEMMIE flakes now.

AD: *whimper*

Papyrus: Fine, I'll let you back in, dog.

AD: *Barks excitedly*

Temmie: *Licks annoying dog*

AD: *licks back*

*everyone thinks it's cute*

AD: *is still wondering how jevil from deltarune got into undertale*

Temmie: *someone wants to adopt me*


Temmie: No no no no no tem'm not for sale!!!

AD: Is that...INK!!!

Temmie: Omg, WHAT r u doin here!!!

Ink: *leaves to underfresh*

Hello Ink. Also, sans is still making puns. I'm guessing that the other guy who fell down was a tem fan.

Temmie and Annoying Dog adventures: Village plansWhere stories live. Discover now