Section 10: 2 villages

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Temmie: Well how about dis tems... WE have cold plaes tem no liek tem village... and cave tem village!

Friend temmies: Yay. Ok

Temmie: Tem mak da president of cave tem village... Bob's really cool!

Bob: That's cool

Temmie: Com wit meh if u don mind da COLDS.

AD: Has it been sorted yet?

Temmie: Yup! here r all da tems who dont mind da COLDS. Wil u help meh build ma tem village?

AD: How about "waterfall temmie village" instead of "cave temmie village"

Temmie: Sher. Cave sound boring anyways. Tem'm gonna tu start building WHAT tem need. *builds*

Friend temmies: *builds*

Hoivs temmie: Whoa, tem'm YAWN. Tem'm not strong a tEMMIE.

Temmie: Meh neither. WE'll nevs do dis :C

AD: I could do it using barking since i am the creator

Temmie: Oki!

AD: *bark bark bark* Don't forget that I have a bark to text converter. That's how I made undertale

Temmie: Mk

AD: *bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark* Done.

Temmie: Whoa! dis tEMMIE tem village iz even better! also u and yer frend dont have tu walk a long way for tEMMIE flakes now! (and u get them free!!!) YaYa!

Egg temmie: Yaaaaaay! thank u, annoyin doggy!:3

All tems except shopkeeper tem: Yaya! Yaya! Yaya! Yaya! Yaya! Yaya!

Temmie: Ok, ok ladys. Give him sum space bruh.

Yay, they now have 2 villages. Sorry if i'm not posting often, I have school.

Temmie and Annoying Dog adventures: Village plansWhere stories live. Discover now