Section 9: Moving out

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At AD's cave

Temmie: annoyin doggy? ANNOYIN DOGGY? *looks around the cave for annoying dog* wait....his computer iz gone.... His ripped t-shirt bed iz gone.... His bark-to-text converter iz gone... Haz he moved without telling meh? uh oh. tem'll have tu see where he iz *Goes into grillbys* Does anyone know where annoyin doggy iz?

Sans: He has moved into me and pap's house

AD: Hi Temmie, i'm here to tell you that I have moved into sans and papyrus's house

Temmie: oh, ok. so WE aren't neighbours anymore :(

AD: I guess so :(

Temmie: iz ther a solution tu dis?

AD: I don't know

Temmie: okay, tem'm just gonna go RATED TEM OUTTA TEM. for customers...bOI!!!!! *walks back to tem village slowly*

AD: You can move temmie village to Snowdin if you want. As long as you don't mind the cold.

Temmie: tem'll have tu ask da tems on dat one. they might not liek da COLDS.

AD: Okay. bye

Temmie: tem'll be back, bOI!!!!! *runs to temmie village* hey tems, annoyin doggy just moved out so WE're not neighbours anymore but he said WE could move tEMMIE tem village tu cold plaes tem no liek if WE don mind da COLDS.

Friend Temmies: TEMMIE don know about dat. WE want tu mak president tEMMIE happy but it iz sad dat WE wil have tu leave our warm cave tem village :c

Bob Temmie: I'm in, I don't mind the cold

Will they move out?

Temmie and Annoying Dog adventures: Village plansWhere stories live. Discover now