Explaining my AU

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This Au is a mix of 2 of my other AU's, I'm not revealing the anime(s) that it has a crossover with because it will spoil the whole point of me not telling you,  I'll explain the BNHA AU first. K- Next then H- Last. feel free to guess what the other two animes is in your free time.

BNHA AU: this AU hass OC's (characters that i made up) for plot reasons, the way I used the OC's can be changed based on the ship that i'm using for Izuku or any other character that the story was focused on. 

K- AU: It's more of a modern(Ish) AU, Most of the "Bad" Guys has been changer eater to "Good" guys, background characters, or they no longer exist in this AU, The plot stays almost exactly the same(Trust me when i say that I will forget the "Staying the same" part) other than the age of the main character. The main character has a FEMALE twin instead of a male twin. And he was born quirkless but he now has one.

H- AU: This AU for this anime was used for crossovers exactly so the plot lines up with this story, The main character is friends with Izuku, he helps Izuku get in contact with rey's twin(The other main character) so he could get them back together, he still plays the same sport (BIG hint), in the same school, one year older, and since his AU didn't have quirks in his anime he has a "new" quirk.

Idk why i did this but it will kinda help when i reveal and add the anime's

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