normal day

118 3 7

A/N: I will put narrations to this fic cause it does have a story line, its not only random chats. Hope you like it. Also, here are the users that have different names in the chat, just to clarify as if it isnt obvious:

Suga daddy = suga
Dadchi = daichi
RollinnngThunder = noya
TheBestSenpai = tanaka
Bakayama = kageyama

No one's POV

And it was done as Daichi said. Everyone that stayed awake late in the groupchat had to do extra driving drills during practice. It wasn't as many as he said, but it was enough for the boys to be extra tired during practice. Well... not that it made Hinata tired. Nothing could really take away his energy.

- Kageyama! Toss to me!! - Hinata practically screamed from the other side of the gym. Tobio just nods and picks up a ball.

- Uh... guys... hm... practice is over. - Asahi said to them with a concerned look. Hinata just smiles. Majority of the team had left already, and it was getting dark.

- I KNOW BUT DAICHI USUALLY LETS US STAY A BIT LONGER TO PRACTICE OUR QUICK! - He said super excited. He didn't look tired at all, just excited.

- Right. - Kageyama agreed with a serious face.

- Aren't you guys tired from the extra driving drills? - Asahi said while grabbing his stuff.

- Nah. Right Kageyama?

- Right.

'Those guys are really something else...' Asahi thought.

- Well. Ok then! Be safe! Do not stay so late!

- YES SIR. - They said in union. Asahi blushed and waved goodbye. Leaving just the first years were in the gym. And Yachi was helping Kageyama and Hinata with practice. While Tsukishima waited for Yamaguchi, that was still in the changing room.

- I swear to God if you don't hurry the fuck up I'll lock you in there. - He said, not loud enough for the others to hear.

- Wait up Tsukki!! Almost done!!

Tadashi knew he shouldn't worry at all. Kei always waited for him, even if he teased him. He knew he would wait for him, and the thought of it made Tadashi blush a bit. He felt quite special. He knew Tsukishima wouldn't wait for anyone else.

- Let's go! - He said getting out of the changing room, smilling and grabbing his stuff.

- What took you so long? - He looked angry? No. More like annoyed.

- Nothing, Tsukki.

- You sure?

- Yeah...

- Let's go.

Their conversations throughout the day were always short. But Tadashi didn't mind a bit. He loved being next to Tsukki. Even without actually talking, just being close to him was enough for him to be satisfied and happy.

They left the gym, Tadashi smiling and waving goodbye for Yachi and the others. Tadashi was quite close to her, and he valued their friendship a lot. Never in his life he thought that he would have friends as he has in Karasuno, and he was so grateful for them, specially Yachi, Hinata and Suga. They were the ones, besides Tsukishima obviously, that really reached out to him and helped him to be more comfortable with just being himself around others.

- TALK TO YOU LATER IN THE GROUPCHAT, YAMS!! - Hinata practically screamed while Yamaguchi was at the door.

- Okay, bye!! - Yamaguchi waved. And when he looked back, Tsukki was already a bit far. - Tsukki wait up!! - He ran to him.

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