Kiss Kiss Fall in Love

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A/N: The chapter was too long so I divided it haha then I lied, the next chapter will be another narration! SORRY! Also, how long is too long? Cause this chapter was like around 4000 words, that is why I decided to divide it!

💫Next part will still be Kagehina fluff unicorns and rainbows, and it is also almost ready, probably gonna post it very soon💫

I hope you like it🥰

Once again, italics = his thoughts at that moment. I don't want to repeat "I thought" all the time 😁

Hinata's POV

I quickly run to his room, feeling the wood floor under my feet, giving me adrenaline. I can do it! I will do it! WOAH THIS IS SO AWSOME! I jumped on his bed, laying on my back. His bed sheets were soft, so I ran my arms on them. Sooo soft. They smell nice too, like him.

- YOU DUMBASS STOP RUNNING ALL THE TIME! - I heard him, who entered the room right after, I giggled.

- Your bed sheets are so soft, Tobio!! - I rolled around in his bed.

- Ugh you ruined them! - I laughed and sat up.

- C'mon, come here!! Sit! - I tapped in the spot right in front of me. He soon sat there with a disappointed look.

- You will help me to fix my bed later. - I rolled my eyes and nodded.

We were in front of each other now. Kageyama with his legs crossed and his hands on his lap looking down at me, waiting for me to say something. I started to get nervous again, my hands clunching in the bed sheets. Stop! There is no time to be nervous right now! Get on with it! I took a deep breath, remembering Suga's words that they would be by my side if the worst outcome came up. And then, with all courage I had left in my chest...

- Hmn... yeah... ok... I will explain everything, and you listen, ok? - I knew he wouldn't interrupt me anyway, he is always quiet and polite. Like a robot. A cute one though.

- Right. - He nodded. The same neutral expression as always. I wish I could read him more.

- Hm.. ok. Y-you have been very supportive of me, and you are such an amazing friend, Kageyama! I know you were worried about me when we were texting yesterday, and I appreciate your concerns about Atsumu... - I paused for a second. Looked at him, he was nodding in agreement to what I was saying. C'mon, DO IT! - ... but y-you got it all wrong!

He made a confused look, frowning his eyebrows and turning his head to the side a little. Like a puppy, which almost made me laugh but I was too nervous for that.

- Atsumu is not my crush. He never was, and he will never be. I don't like him that way! - He made an even more confused face. I saw him opening his mouth a little as if he was going to say something, but soon closing it again. C'mon, stop being so stupid! It's you! - You remember what made you think that? The descriptions... like.. what they were saying in the group chat... y-you thought it was Atsumu because of that, right? But there is another person that fits all of those descriptions... hm, actually the only person who fits them!

He still looked confused. As if he was thinking so hard trying to figure out who it was... is he serious right now? How can someone be that oblivious? Is he just pretending to not get it? I started to get annoyed. Angry, even.

- Ugh, Kageyama! How can you be so dumb?! - I asked with an angry tone, looking away. Not pretending, I was angry. I crossed my arms.

That went on for a few seconds, my chest hurt of anxiety. I was disappointed. Not disappointed at him of course, but at myself for mumbling my words and not explaining things well. This was not how I was planning it in my head! That was not the confession of my dreams, and the lack of knowing what would happen made me feel sick. I took a deep breath and tried to relax my arms.

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