some real talk (Author notes)

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THIS IS NOT AN UPDATE but pls read

Hm... so...

I have so many thoughts so I decided to post them here so feel free to comment your opinion PLEASE

The first one is not rly relevant but whatever. You can skip that one lol

Thought 1) Just a plot idea: i have this plot idea in my head of a soulmate au about the karasuno 1st years were you get your soulmate's name in your wrist at age 16. And your soulmate is like, someone that is already in your life most of the time. When you get your soulmates' name, you have to be next to them (like... spend time with them) or you have consequences (physically) like headaches and stuff. (Dont ask me, i had a dream about this) And in this plot Kagehina like each other while tsukkiyama like each other. And they expect to get each other as soulmates. But when they receive their soulmates, Tsukki is Shoyo's and Kageyama is Yama's. Lol. But it would still be a Tsukkiyama and Kagehina ff. But like, they would have to "change" or "confront" their destiny to be with each other. 👀 and stuff

Thought 2) Issue: Do you guys think it is creepy that I write and read ff about teenage lgbt boys? Cause I am a cis straight woman and im 20 so I feel so bad😭 But like... i will explain!

About them being teens: I like to relate to the characters in fics i read, and I never had romantic experiences. I never held hands, i never kissed and i never had sex lol. I never lived a romance. And I always liked reading fics, they were comforting to me. Anyways, I cant write fic where the characters are experienced adults cause I am not an experienced adult😭 And also I still live with my parents and have literally no independence so, like... i relate more with characters in high school than other characters. Im sure that if one day i date someone, it will be like im an embarrassed teenager! Romantically, i have the same exact mentality/experience as i had when i was in high school so idk. Please let me know if it is creepy that i am a woman writting about teenage boys. I dont wanna be sexualizing minors, but that fic will have sexual stuff but like AAAA im literally a virgin i swear im not a p3dofile, i would never date or want to date a minor, i really just feel like if i would have sex one day it would be like i am an unexperienced teenager. Also, i LOVE haikyuu (it is my favorite anime) and the characters happen to be teenagers like- 😭 Let me know if you think im being creepy pls😖 Overall, I like to write romantic stories about the teenage love that I always wanted to have but never did in my teenage years.

About them being lgbt: I am aware that MANY people who write fanfics really just hiper sexualize lgbtq+ relationships and don't really care about the community. This hurts me so much. Honestly, I write fanfics about characters I ship, and it just happens that those ships are lgbtq+. I try to run away from heteronormativity as much as I can when writting about lgbtq+ couples. And I absolutelly HATE when people are like "whos top" "whos bottom" every single time for every single gay couple/ship they see, like, PLEASE SHUT UP. Like, why does it matter so much to you? Ugh. And the HETERONORMATIVITY it is so annoying that they insist in the more "feminine" one being the bottom + submissive and the more "masculine" one being the top + dominant. They dont even have to be top or bottom!! They can be switches, like... PLEASE STOP WITH THE HETERONORMATIVITY. Yes I am a straight cis girl but i can see how wrong this crap is and how it needs to stop. LGBT+ relationships are not for others' entertainment or whatever this is. This is NOT what any of my stories is about, so if you have that mentality, kindly leave! I ship those characters in the anime, that is why I write about them. My intent is NOT to hipersexualize or fetishize lgbt+ relationships. But to give them the right representation. So please if you are lgbt+ and you see anything in my writting that is offensive PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I try my best to educate myself constantly about the layers of the lgbtq+ community and also the struggles that people in the community go through, and I will try my best to incorporate them well in my writting. Also, I will try to be as diverse as I can while not letting them be out of character. This fic WILL include issues suffered by lgbt+ people and will have homophobia. A trigger warning will be given when the chapter comes.

Also... I am thinking about making one of them nonbinary but I am so scared to do something wrong 🥺

Anyways... those were my thoughts. I really hope you read these. I think it is really important to address them. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SEND ME SUGGESTIONS OR FEEDBACK. I still havent started to write the next chapter so I dont know when it is coming up!

Stay safe everyone! Remember you are loved and amazing! Keep always trying to be a better version of yourself! Stay strong and God bless you all! 💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💕💕

Late nights with KarasunoWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt