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Yunlan came out from his room and went to meet with that someone , only who could help him in making Shen Wei his .... Only his .

Zhao Yunlan took a deep breath and started to knocking on the door . Old Zhao opened the door with a smiling face ..... " Yunyun ..... What happened ? "

Before Zhao Yunlan could replied anything , Old Zhao ' s eyes fell on him  ..... " Yunyun , why are your eyes are swollen ? "

Yunlan quickly hugged his grandpa and started to crying ..... " Grandpa , Wei Ge doesn't want me anymore ! "

Old Zhao hugged back Yunlan and took him inside the room . He started to drawing smoothing circles on Yunlan's back .....

" Grandpa , you said you would give me anything that I want ! "

" Yes .... Yunyun ! "

" Grandpa , then give me Shen Wei ! "

Old Zhao angry looked at Yunlan and shouted ..... " But Shen Wei is a human ! "

" Not any thing ?! "

" Yunyun , how many times I have to tell you ? "

" That Wei Ge just wants you as his little brother ! "

" No .... No .... Grandpa .... I want Wei Ge .... All to myself ..... Please bring him for me ! " ..... While doing his puppy eyes on Old Zhao .

" Enough is enough , Yunyun ! "

" Till now I have your all mistakes ! "

" But today what are you saying is extreme ?! "

Then Old Zhao started to telling about all the incidents to Yunlan . 

Old Zhao ' s POV ,

That day , when you and Shen Wei were playing in your room , I  saw with my own eyes that you broke the car of Shen Wei and lied to him . But I didn't thought about it much , that time,  thinking it , just as a childish act .

Again , when I sent you to Shen Wei ' s house with butler Wu . Butler Wu after returning told me everything about what you had done to Shen Wei ' s flowers . But again I thought it as an innocent act by my Yunyun and thought you were just possessive with your  Wei Ge .

And that day too , when you locked Zuzana inside the bathroom , I thought it just the display of your possessiveness towards your Wei Ge . So I took the blame on myself .

3rd person POV ,

Old Zhao looked at Yunlan and said ..... " But now what are you asking to me ? "

" I think you are not possessive with your Wei Ge , you are obsessed with him !!!!! "

" Yes ..... Yunlan ..... You are obsessed with him !!!!! "

" It nothing but a sickness , Yunlan , you are sick ! "

Zhao Yunlan started to crying heavily  ..... " What are you saying , grandpa ? "

" How could you even say this to your grandson ? "

" That's the truth , Yunlan ! "

Yunlan thought right now his grandpa was really angry with him or else he would never call him by ' Yunlan ' . So he calmed himself and looked at his  grandpa with tear filled eyes .

Zhao Yunlan thought ..... " Now it is the time for my master stroke ! "

" Grandpa , please bring Wei Ge to me . "

" No .... Yunlan .... I can't do this .... I can't force Shen Wei to love you ! " 

" But ..... But ..... Grandpa ..... Wei Ge had spent last night with me ! "

" So what , Yunlan ? You two has spent many nights together ! "

Suddenly Old Zhao thought of something and shouted in fear with anger mixed voice ...... " Don't , tell me ! " 

" Don't tell me ! You want to say that .... "

" Say that .... Shen Wei had taken you last night ?! "

" And now don't want to take your responsibility ?! "

" Yes .... Grandpa .... You are right ! "

" Wei Ge made love with me , yesterday and now ..... "

" Yunlan .... Let's go ! "

" Where grandpa ? "

" To Shen Mansion ! And don't worry .... Shen Wei has to take responsibility or I will ..... "

" Or you will ? "

" You will see later ! ..... What your grandpa is capable of ! " ..... Replied Old Zhao and pulled Zhao Yunlan into his embrace , Yunlan also hugged him back ..... " Don't worry , Yunyun ..... Soon , Shen Wei will be yours ...... Only yours ! "

Zhao Yunlan smiled happily while hugging his grandpa and thought ..... " Wei Ge .... Now you will be mine ..... Only mine ! "

Old Zhao pulled away from the hug and said  ..... " Yunyun .... Don't cry anymore . "  Yunlan wiped away his tears with the back of his hand and replied ..... " Thank you , grandpa ! "

" Anything for my , Yunyun ! "

" Now .... Get dress quickly ...."

" We have to go to Shen Mansion , right now ! "  Zhao Yunlan quickly returned to his room and started to getting dressed .

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