Prelude to Chapter Twenty Seven

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Warning ⚠️ the next chapter is damn dark. It has descriptions of torture and rape. So I wrote these little tidbits for those that want to skip it, as it gives a good idea what happened.
Warning ⚠️ even these have mentions of torture and rape. To be fair this is Alagadda we are talking about and the Hanged King is angry.

It was within the twisted halls,
The twisted Hanged King called
His loyal doctor bowed before them all
The masks did laugh with all there might
As flesh was torn through the night
But not a word did his lips wright
Broken, bleeding he did cry
The great doctor before their very eyes
Then with relish they did surmise
To soil his name and body too
As ones called friends betrayal knew
Alone he was his plans subdued
The people laughed, the artist cried
In his suffering he did defy
The Hanged King and the lords up high
The cure he labored was alive
The anguished one did deprive
As madness crept, as it thrived
Black feathers fell and wept
Desired of others he became suspect
As the Anguished one his cure he kept
Wretched and twisted he became
Yet still his heart beat just the same
To save us all from his name
Apon death black decaying wing
He was born, a nameless thing
Forgotten by all expect the King.

A proclamation on this day from our King Come one! Come all! Let it be know that the royal doctor has been found guilty in acts of Treason against our king. The good doctor will be on display for your enjoyment at a grand celebration. Come one! Come all!
- A Declaration of the Ambassador

I was there that day, as the celebration began. It was grand in scope with tables piled high with drink and food. The masks danced long into the night to music that came from the very air. The four lords stood so proud, they did. So proud at what they did to that poor sod. The doctor... no it is not right to call what was left of him a doctor. He didn't deserve it! Damn it he was reduced to this wrechted thing cover in all manner of vile fluids, just a broken heap laying on the flithy ground. Rasp of agony escaped his bloodly lips as he he was ordered to beg. He didn't though no matter there torment he refuse. The masks jeered and sneered as it see pity and mercy are words that do not exsit in Alagadda. What they did to him as he lay there will haunt me, he did not deserve such evil. Yet some how as the party died down I drew closer in a morbid curiosity, the bastard was still alive. A silver eye glaring at me! He had some how kept his mind threw all the horror all the dark things done to him. I fled unable to stand the sight of the doctor trying to stay alive. He was hope and now he was broken. I do not know how long it had been until I saw him clawing his way through the streets. A forgotten relic, his mind finally had broken his voice hoarse as he mubbled over and over again. Sick...and book. It was then I knew he had done it, he had found that blasted cure but I stayed quiet as our of the corner of my eye I saw the anguished mask smiling and laughing at the mighty royal doctor of Alagadda."
- Journal entry of a visitor to Alagadda.

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