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     No he was not. It was the first day of school and it seemed like people started whispering about him the second he got out of his dad's truck. Tyler-Arther turned back to his dad. He was nervous. Not about the dress, but about his first day.
     He didn't have any close friends yet, and was worried about making some. What if no one wanted to get to know him? What if he becomes a loner? What if- - No! He shook his thoughts away.
"Today is going to be a great day. I just need to say hi to people."
     So he took a deep breath, smiled at his dad, and went into the school. And the only 'bad' thing that happened was when a teacher asked him if he was in the right bathroom line. And yes, yes he was.
     One of his new classmates, another boy, said to the teacher "Just because he's in a dress, that doesn't mean he's not a he."
"Yeah!" A girl added. "It's just clothes. It's not like wearing shorts makes me a boy!"
     The question was never brought up again. And it looks like Tyler-Arther just made some new friends without even trying.
     Later at lunchtime, he learned their names. Dennise and Matt.
     Like I told you before, dear reader, he doesn't have any horrible experiences. Just normal first day jitters and embarrassing teachers.
     For the life of him, he couldn't figure out why his dad felt the need to warn him about anything. Nobody cared about what he was wearing. In fact, some kids even complimented him on it. They thought he was brave or something. Tyler-Arther didn't really understand what was so brave about him. But he wasn't going to stop people from thinking it.
     He had made friends, his teacher was nice and he had Oreos in his lunch! He was thinking of other good things that happened that day. When all of a sudden his great day was ruined with pick-up time.
     Suddenly all of the kids that had been so nice to him all day got dragged away by their parents. Some were even glaring at Tyler-Arther as they left. But what did he even do?! One of the parents said that he was just like someone named Jennifer. But he didn't know any Jenny.
     When his stepmom came to pick him up one of the teachers pulled her aside. The teacher asked her if she knew what her son was wearing to school, and asking her why he was dressed in a dress. His stepmom left without so much as a single word in response.
     They went and picked up his stepsister from her school and all went for ice cream and talked about how their days went.
     Tyler-Arther decided to keep that weird Jennifer bit to himself and listened to his sister's story about her first day of middle school. She forgot which teacher she had after science and ended up getting lost and missing half of the class. The rest of the day was a blur for everyone.

Word count: 520

Tales of Tyler-ArtherWhere stories live. Discover now