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     Once upon a time there was an 8 year old boy who was born in a girl's body. He knew he was a he since he was 3 years old. It felt like the simplest and most obvious thing to him. He knew he was a boy, what other proof did a person need? But his parents needed a lot of proof. A lot more then "he just knew."
     In time though, they realized that the person who knew their child the best, was their child himself.
     In one swift year they had figured out his new name, given him a haircut and a whole new wardrobe. He had been living his life as a he since he was six. And starting a new school after kindergarten wasn't uncommon.
     It was so common in fact, that he still had some of the same classmates he had had in kindergarten. This meant that quite a few of his classmates knew about him. And so did all of the parents. His best friend Dennise being one of the knowing group.
     Almost surprisingly, no one bullied him. Except for the parents that is. Who'd never miss a chance to remind him of what he was.
                        "Tr@nny," they said.
     But to the new kid, and the new kid's parents, that didn't exist. To the new kid Matt was just, Matt. A born and raised boy. Just like everyone else.

Word count: 235

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