Invites & Invitees

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It was only when they started the invitations when Dennise realized something.
She didn't really have that many friends.
I mean, she wasn't friendless..... She totally had friends... Right?
"Hey, how many of these are we making?"
Huh? Oh, um. Right! Narrating!
Matt's question snagged Dennise's train of thought. Who was she inviting?
"Umm.. Well, you obviously. And I'll invite John, Silvia and Mia... Um. Hm. I guess Kyle can come..." She counted out the number of party guests on her fingers.
"What was the name of that new kid we've been sitting with again? I keep forgetting to ask him."
"Who? Oh, yeah! His name is Tyler-Arther." Matt told her.
"He has two first names?"
"Huh. Well, he can come to!"
"Okay! So, how many is that?"
"Um.." Dennise counts off her final finger tally of guests, muttering the names to herself as she counts off again. "John, Silvia, Mia...,Kyle... Tyler-Arther.... Five! We need to make five."
"Wait, how come I didn't hear you say my name?"
Matt sounded a little hurt. Like a puppy who's human won't play with them 24/7.
"What? Matt. My party is at the same time on the same day every year. You know where I live. You don't need an invite!" She chuckled out the last part. Finding her friend's confusion just a little funny.
"Ohhh! Oh yeah... Yeah you're right. Well, then are you sure about everyone, Den? Five people who've never been to your house before. That's a lot." Matt said.
He still wasn't sure about how well Dennise had thought this out.
"Well. Yeah! Five plus the two of us makes seven people. That's good party number isn't it?"
"I guess so. It is your party after all."
Dennise smiled, "thanks." she said.
"For what?"
Dennise paused then shrugged. " I dunno. Existing? Being there? I just felt like thanking you."

The next day, at school, Dennise and Matt handed out the invitations during lunch. They would've used the classroom mailboxes, but then not only would Dennise have to invite all of the girls. But she wouldn't have been able to use it to invite any of the boys.
Matt and Dennise thought that was a dumb rule. So they snuck the invites out to their friends when the teachers weren't looking.
"This is gonna be one heck of a birthday, Dennise." Matt commented.
"It sure is, Matt. It sure is."

Word Count: 410

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