CHAPTER : 1 - Return

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                            Layla stared out of the huge window. Twirling the pen in her long pale white fingers, she tried to come up with a decision. 

                              "Fine then."She said,turning  back to the nervous employees seated around the long desk in her office. "We will proceed with your suggestion Mr.Khan. Let's contact the Khangs. They will make the offer. But if the decision goes wrong then you will be stepping out of the company. My company. Do you understand?"

                        Her sweet but stern and commanding voice made the young employee shiver.

                       "Y-Yes Ms.Park, I-I do."

                        "Good then. Now get out. All of you."

                         All the employees hurriedly took their essentials and scrambled out of the room. Once outside, there started the day's complaints.

   "What is her problem?"

"How am I supposed to complete this?"

"I hope she gets her good mood soon "

                          Inside her office, Layla knew. She knew the things the employees told about her. But she couldn't let herself down. They had to learn the hard way. She learnt it the hard way. And here she was. Park Company. She built it with a close friend. Now it was one of the biggest companies in the world.

                         Jonah popped his head inside Layla's office. "Hey, wanna get some lunch?"
                          "No thanks Jonah. I don't need you flirting at me. You should check out the receptionist though. I think she likes you, my friend."
                          "Ah, what a shame. I will definitely heed your advice. See ya,"

                           "See you too" Layla replied. She took the stack of papers and started to go through it.


                         It was nearly around 9 at night when Layla had completed her work. "Ok just a little more," she said to herself,  looking at the last paper.

                        Jonah popped in his head again. "Hey Layla, there is this guy who wants to see you so badly. He has been waiting from morning, to see you privately. As your 'intercom person' I took the good opportunity to tell you that. Shall I allow him in?"

                        Layla laughed. "Sure, why not, intercom person?"

                         "All right then."

                         Layla heard the door close and felt the presence of a man standing inside. It somehow seemed familiar to her. She shook it off. Still looking at the papers, she asked, " What can I do for you today?"


But the next voice and words froze her.

"It's time you allowed me in, my dear beautiful Jagi."

You, Me and Us( A Min Yoongi Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ