Cute date?

137 3 0

Detailed smut warning! ;)
Word count: 1347

"A fair guys, really?" I ask. Rolling my eyes. All four of my friends laugh and nod I sigh and follow them wordlessly out the car and into the crowd.

"It was your idea huh...?" I ask. Giving Jughead a nudge against his side with my elbow. To which he shakes his head. A smile threatening to break out on his face. "I knew it!" I groan to myself.

If there's something I don't like it's big crowds and people in front of me walking as slow as snails. Both those things I was dealing with right now and it was all his fault.. I'm getting him back for this.

"So, Jug-." I start. He doesn't even let me finish before mocking me.

"So Jug-." He repeats in a high pitched voice. "That's not what I sound like." I resort with a huff. "Kinda." He says and I just roll my eyes.

_ _ _ _ _

"Asshole!" I groan and rush after Archie who just stole the cat plushie I won. I did it all by myself. At least I won the plushie today.. At least. The fair had been nothing but boring, until I won the soft plush.. Now in the big parking lot Veronica told Archie it would be a great and funny idea to steal my cat and run away with it.

_ _ _ _ _

"Alright, now what?" Jughead asks as he raises an eyebrow. "Now.. You-.. Uh.. You..." I frown and bite my lip in concentration. "Middle finger! Hold up your middle finger. You'll get loads of likes. I'm sure. Though. My favorite is the heart, I have to admit." He smiles at me-. And bonus, he's wearing a suit- him in a suit. Which.. Gets me going good.

After a few more pictures are shot. I stretch and hand him back his phone. He takes his cuffs off and runs a hand through his dark locks. Indeed smiling at me. "I'm going to- to take off my suit." He says with the tiniest of lisps while saying the word 'suit'.

"Got it. My que to leave." I nod and walk out of the room.

Not even a minute later I hear. "Y/n...." Then a pause... "Could you.. Please, maybe.. Help me.. With my bowtie?" I turn back around on my heel and nod. "Why yes Jug, I'd just love to help you." I say, way too sarcastic.

Ever since Jughead made an account on Instagram he had loved to post silly pictures of himself and his friends on there.

Walking inside his room he looks at me sheepishly, it's almost cute in a way. "Lean down a bit will you?" I ask, standing in front of him. Jughead not showing any sign of movement.

He leans down as I look down at the bowtie and begin to try and undo it. "What the hell did you do to this-?" I ask. Unable to undo it for quite some time. He groans and pulls his head back.

"My neck." Is all I get before he sits back on his bed. I shake my head, roll my eyes and walk to him. "Want me to help or no?''

"I- I do.. It's just that- Like.. I don't want a kink in my neck." He grins.

"I'll sit over you then, working out how to undo whatever you've done to your stupid bowtie." Walking towards him, I climb on his bed and place each of my legs on either side of his thighs. "Can I lean on you?" Basically asking if I can please sit on his lap, he nods in response as I do what I asked.

His head tips back and I begin to work on his bowtie once more. After a good five minutes.. I finally manage to get that damned thing off him. "Finally-." Jughead's head slowly comes back up and he lets out a sigh, seeming just as relieved as I.

He looked me right in the eye. His eyes insanely green. Or they just... Looked different in that moment. Other than normal. Brighter. Yet, maybe a shade darker too. "Y/n." He just said sort of sternly. "Jughead." I say in the same tone of voice.

Before I know it. We're kissing. And I mean kissing. Holy shit he's a good kisser. I tangle my fingers in his hair and he holds me by my hips. Making me grind into his crotch.

"Jug-.'' I moan out and pull back to breath, he's wildly kissing my neck. But in a way that's so good.. My panties pool with arousal. My blood pumping down towards the spot between my legs. It's no different for him, I can certainly tell...

"Let me fuck you Y/n. Right now." He says in a demanding voice. My heart races faster, harder... I nod. "Please. Please-..." I beg and undo the belt of his suit pants. Then the two buttons and finally his zipper. I claw at his boxers. Eager.

Quickly I free his big cock and suck in a breath cause of the sight and size-. Of him. I lick my lips then bite my bottom one. Before I can make any moves though.. He has my panties shoved to the side and has his thick cock lined up with my wet pussy.

I moan out breathily. Squeezing his shoulders when he suddenly thrusts his hips up. "Fuck." He mutters and closes his eyes. Letting me do the rest, lowering down completely on him.

"Jughead I-."

"Move." He demands to which I quickly nod.

Up and down. Soon I'm bouncing on his dick like I've always imagined doing. Jughead doesn't have a filter in the bedroom, as it turns out.. He's very vocal. Groaning, grunting, cursing, even moaning and toying with my clothed breasts.

His eyes also keep shooting down to where our bodies meet. To where my skirt moves in the way I do. But slightly. Just slightly delayed.

"I-... I'm not gonna last long." He pants. Hair messy. I nod in agreement and keep up my bouncing with an ocasional thrust up from him.

"Come on Y/n.. Come around my cock. I know you can do it. I can feel it." Indeed he could. My pussy was wildly clenching around his dick. I was close, no doubt in mind about that.

I let out a desperate whine of his name and scratch his sides through his white button up as I climax. His suit jacket had came off too, somewhere along the way, where I had forgotten.

"Good girl. Fuck the cum out of me. Come on." He moans and thrusts up, once, twice, his hot cum filling up my insides soon enough. I shiver at the feeling and study his features, stretched beautifully in pleasure while he orgasms. Never, will I forget that sight.

I slump down forward on him. My ear against his hard chest, I can hear his heartbeat slowly calm down and so does mine..

I slowly manage to roll off him and get myself decent again, he does the same, wordlessly. "We really need to talk-." Dream starts but there's a knock at his door. "Oh Jug~ What are you two doing in there?" Archie asks in a stupid sing-song voice, slowly opening the door and looking inside. I stare at him. So does Jughead.. We must look like two idiots. Standing next to eachother, staring at Archie, Veronica and Betty all poking their heads in the room.

"I-. I.. My bowtie. I had like.. Trouble with taking it off. So Y/n helped me- I like also really needed a release you know, on my.. My neck so. Y/n gave me a very awesome release." He grins. Like I do too.

Yeah right I did.

Did you miss me? Lmao, I had inspiration for this plot and decided f it, I'll write it for this book! So, perhaps, I'll keep updating this book every once in a while, thanks for all the support! Means a lot to me. Till next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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