Chapter 7

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After Louis got dressed and done her hair they walked to Harry's house, Harry went inside with her and sighed. "What was that sigh for babe?" Louis asked putting her arms around his neck. Harry held her close "nothing babe" "ok then, lets go to your room and get ready then" Louis said smiling. Harry smiled and up looking around for clothes.

"Wow your rooms massive compared to mine!" Louis said looking around around his room. Harry sighed softly and smiled kissing her forehead shrugging. "Are you sure your ok Harry you seem a bit sad?" Louis said in a caring tone. "Nah I'm fine I promise." He smiled at her getting changed. "Good, I don't think the girls will be too happy at me today considering I didn't go shopping!" Louis said staring at Harry's abs.

Harry chuckled "They'll get over it" he said pulling a shirt on. "Hopefully, otherwise they'll all gang up on me at practice." Louis said looking down. Harry tilted her chin up pecking her lips. "It'll be ok I promise." Louis smiled softly hugging Harry, "we should go now or we'll be late for school". Harry smiled and nodded hugging her back, grabbing his stuff to walk to school with her.

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